Hi everyone! This week’s art challenge is for all grades K-5!
Art challenge: Learn about artist Camille Walala in Ms. Sabourin’s video. Then draw your home or any building in your neighborhood, and decorate it with bright patterns and colors. HAVE FUN!
Here is a link to the art challenge. It is for all grades, K-5:
These links will take students to a Google Form (one for K-2, one for 3-5) with two art activities and instructions. For each activity, students are to submit a title and either a photo of their artwork or a short writing about their artwork.
Weekly Art Challenge 1: Build an abstract sculpture.
Weekly Art Challenge 2: Draw your abstract sculpture as if it were giant in a location of your choice.
This link will take students to a Google Form with two art assignments and instructions, including a video with Ms. Sabourin! For each activity, students are to submit a title and either a photo of their artwork or a short writing about their artwork. I can’t wait to see your art!
Weekly Art Challenge 1: Collect nature items and arrange them to make a new artwork.
Weekly Art Challenge 2: Drawing nature – Choose two nature items and draw them…BIG.
See Art Bingo activities and share your artwork with Ms. Sabourin and classmates through our Google classroom – Art. Go to the same page for Music, Science, Media, and P.E.!
The box I chose says, ” Try making a sculpture by cutting and gluing just one sheet of paper together.” I used a sheet of printer paper, small scissors, and tape. I cut many long lines into my paper, then I bent the strips and taped or folded them together.
Below is a list of art activities Ms. Sabourin recommends to try out while we are away from the art room. Just one or two activities a week will help us keep those creative juices flowing and improve our making skills! Pick the ones you like! Have fun making art!
Grade 3-5 Art Resources and Tutorials: Drawing:
1. 31 Awesome Drawing Prompts – easy and creative for K-5