Monday, September 23

I love this weather! It can stay this way until Thanksgiving 🙂

Reminders for the upcoming week:

I will be introducing Reading Reflection Journals in class today. The first double entry journal is due on Monday, September 30. Students can do a paper copy, or complete the work in Google Classroom.

A new Greek roots list was handed out today. The words are: anti, tele, ology, un. The quiz will be Friday, October 11th.


Selfie projects were due Friday, September 13. Unless I gave an extension, projects that have not been submitted are now late, and will lose points when they are submitted.

Library time is scheduled every Friday. Students must have a barcode on their planner to check out a book until we have student ID’s.

Students who are one or more minutes late to class will be marked Tardy. At 3 tardies, a phone call home will be made and an office referral will be made. At 4 tardies, students will begin serving detention.

We have a student from Wayne State University with us for the entire school year! She will be doing her pre student teaching this semester (so observing, working in small groups, helping with planning, presenting 4 lessons) and her student teaching in the second half of the school year.

Please add yourselves to our classroom Remind account! I will be sending important information throughout the year via Remind text. Use the link: OR text the message @h8cchc to 831-613-1863

Email is the best way to contact me. My email is:

Please check Student Connect and Parent connect frequently. Parent Connect requires a PIN number and a Password to login. Student Connect requires a username and a password to login.

Below is a Google Calendar. It is updated with each blog post and shows assignment due dates and upcoming events. Assignment due dates can also be found in Google Classroom and on the board in H4.

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