Monday, January 6th

Welcome to 2020! January is a weird month; we have several half days, and a full day off school – plus, we are doing NWEA testing.

Marking Period 2 started November 4th and runs through January 17, 2020. ALL LATE WORK FOR MP2 WILL BE DUE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 10th.

Students who did not submit a summative writing assignment received an email on Friday, December 20th. This assignment is 40% of the MP 2 grade, and failure to submit it will result in a grade of 0.

A new reading journal was handed out today; it is due Monday, January 13th.

Our NWEA schedule is as follows: Language NWEA Jan 6-10; Reading NWEA Jan 21,22, 23-28

Friday, January 17th is a half day.

Monday, January 20th, is no school.

Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22 are half days.

Library time is scheduled every week (mostly on Friday). I am happy to send students to the library before Friday if it is needed. Students may check out 3 library books at one time. Students must have a barcode on their planner to check out a book until we have student ID’s.

Students who are one or more minutes late to class will be marked Tardy. At 3 tardies, I will contact home via email, and copy the front office on the email. At 4 tardies, students will be referred to the office AND serve a lunch detention. An updated copy of our tardy policy is on my blog!

Please add yourselves to our classroom Remind account! I will be sending important information throughout the year via Remind text. Use the link: OR text the message @h8cchc to 831-613-1863

Email is the best way to contact me. My email is:

Please check Student Connect and Parent connect frequently. Parent Connect requires a PIN number and a Password to login. Student Connect requires a username and a password to login. The office secretaries can provide you with the PIN number for Parent Connect!!

This week, we are:  Taking NWEA Language test; finishing analyzing the murder mystery; beginning the CER; doing notes over parts of speech (conjunctions and adverbs).

Below is an updated Google Calendar. It lists upcoming assignments and due dates. This information can also be found on the board in H4.