Children may choose to bring in Valentine’s, but please know it is NOT required in any way. I am going to discourage candy as well. No, we cannot do cookies, cupcakes, etc. Please have your child put their name ONLY on their valentines, that way they can pass them out quickly! We will decorate bags, so there is no need for a mailbox, etc. There are 16 children in our classroom.
Here are some free printable valentine’s! I cannot print in color at school, but if you would like me to send home a set, I can do that! Just let me know and I will put them in your child’s backpack! I can also send home some construction paper, and you and your child could cut out hearts and put their name on them. Easy peasy!
How is it already the end of January??? Time is simply flying by!
We were VERY busy this week! I conducted our mid-year testing and was excited to see how much progress the children are making! Please keep working on letters and using scissors at home. These are 2 things that will be SUPER important for kindergarten and I want them ready to go! If you need ideas or help, just ask!
We focused on the story “Going On A Bear Hunt” this week! The children absolutely LOVE it. In their backpacks you will find a “map” and the words of the story. Have your child grab a lego figurine, a barbie, car, etc. and they can retell the story and move their figure around the map.
Here is the story if you want watch it or help them to remember how it goes 🙂
Just as an FYI, I will be out of the classroom on Monday, due to a death in the family. Mrs. Hamade and a substitute teacher will be here, and they have lots of fun planned!
Please stay safe and warm this weekend, and I will see you all on Tuesday when I return. Thanks!
THANK YOU to everyone who attended our math ZOOM parent meeting!
The children seemed like they enjoyed it, and hopefully you have a couple of new math games you can play at home together. 🙂
Our meeting was held on ZOOM out of an abundance of caution, since the COVID cases have been so high as of late. GSRP PreK administration made the call to hold the meeting virtually in order to keep everyone safe. I am so proud of how well the kids did for their first time on a learning Zoom! Everyone logged on ON TIME and participated!
Our next parent meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 17th!
Mrs. Hamade and I did a deep clean in our room, we wiped, washed, and sanitized high touch areas, the kids personal things in the classroom (white boards, markers, etc.) and the toys, shelves, etc. We are trying our best to keep everyone safe + healthy! We do this regularly especially during peak illness seasons. We appreciate you sending your child with a well fitting CLEAN mask each day, and encouraging the same healthy behaviors at home as at school. Washing hands for 20 seconds, eating good foods, drinking water, getting exercise! This all plays a huge role in keeping us all as healthy as can be.
Ms. Zahraa from the LAHC healthy living program has also been reteaching these skills, and will be visiting us for the last time next week on Wednesday! If you could please complete her survey either online or send back the packet. You do NOT have to do both! Whichever is easier for you is perfect!
Upcoming Dates:
January 17th: No school for MLK Jr. Day
January 24th: 1/2 day of school pick up at 11:10
In the classroom, we have been doing a lot of activities around snow and will continue on with snowmen next week! We painted a Snowy Day picture with q-tips and sponges to go along with the story we read this week. We also held a chair wash, and have been getting lots of exercise exploring our school and playing new games.
Below is a video version of the story we read! It is short and animated, it would be awesome to watch it with your child, and have them tell you about which part of the story they painted! As you can see they each were able to include the main character Peter, into their art! Have a wonderful long weekend! See you on Tuesday!
This is a REQUIRED event, attendance will be counted, per GSRP guidelines + administration
We will be meeting on ZOOM this month for our parent meeting. Each meeting will be about 30 minutes long, and will be a parent-child shared activity led by the teachers. Materials will be sent home prior to the meeting. Please keep them in a safe place until the meeting begins so your child is ready to learn! You will be able to access the ZOOM meeting from any phone, tablet or computer. If you do NOT have a device to use, please let us know asap as Cotter has a few Chromebooks that can be lent out.
Please click this link at the start of your designated meeting time.
You will be automatically placed in a waiting room, and the teacher will let you into the meeting when it is time to begin.
Meeting #1 9:00-9:30
Mansoor Abdullah Eleen Athena
Meeting #2 9:30-10:00
Mohammed Al-Rukhami Malik Emma Ryan
Meeting #3 10:00-10:30
Mohammad AlSayyed Dena Lena Musa
Meeting #4 10:30-11:00
Hussein Aya Sirine Jouri
اجتماع الوالدين لشهر يناير
هذا حدث مطلوب ، سيتم احتساب الحضور ، وفقًا لإرشادات GSRP + الإدارة
سنلتقي في ZOOM هذا الشهر لحضور اجتماع الوالدين. سيكون كل اجتماع مدته حوالي 30 دقيقة ، وسيكون نشاطًا مشتركًا بين الوالدين والطفل بقيادة المعلمين. سيتم إرسال المواد إلى المنزل قبل الاجتماع. يرجى الاحتفاظ بها في مكان آمن حتى يبدأ الاجتماع حتى يكون طفلك جاهزًا للتعلم!
ستتمكن من الوصول إلى اجتماع ZOOM من أي هاتف أو جهاز لوحي أو كمبيوتر. إذا لم يكن لديك جهاز لاستخدامه ، فالرجاء إخبارنا في أسرع وقت ممكن حيث أن Cotter لديها عدد قليل من أجهزة Chromebook التي يمكن إعارتها.
رابط ZOOM:
الرجاء النقر فوق هذا الارتباط في بداية الوقت المحدد للاجتماع.
سيتم وضعك تلقائيًا في غرفة الانتظار ، وسيتيح لك المعلم حضور الاجتماع عندما يحين وقت البدء.
I hope everyone had a healthy and restful winter break! I wanted to quickly touch base with everyone before we head back into the classroom!
A few reminders:
Bring a blanket
Bring BOOTS and SHOES/slippers, gloves, hats, etc. WINTER is HERE and we are going to PLAY!
Arrival: 8:35-8:45 after 8:45 your child is marked TARDY
Dismissal: 3:20-3:30
On inclement weather days, please wait in your car or plan to arrive in the 10 min window of time so you are not stuck in the cold. Due to COVID precautions we cannot all gather in the building.
IF you are late, PLEASE go through the front office. It is NOT ok to knock on doors and ask students and other teachers to let you in. This is a HUGE safety issue that we must adhere to.
BEST NEWS EVER: OUR PLUMBING HAS BEEN FIXED!!! We can use the restroom + sinks in our classroom again!!! YAY!!!!
Please clean out backpacks/folders before coming back to school! Pack a couple of extra masks in a baggie (so we can tell the clean ones from the dirty!) Red folders, extra shoes and snow gear should be all the children come back with. All books, crafts, papers, etc. should be left at home. Below is our January calendar just in case you misplaced the one we sent home before the break. Take note of the parent meeting date, so it doesn’t come as a surprise!
We can’t wait to see you all on Monday January 3rd! Please keep in mind the stricter sick policy that Dearborn Schools has in place, and as always, let me know ahead of time if your child will not be attending due to illness. Thank you for your cooperation!
If you have not returned the permission slip from LAHC please do so on Monday! Thanks!
The next 2 weeks will be filled with all things gingerbread man! I have lots of fun stories to share with the children, we also will be doing gingerbread themed crafts, activities, and more! The kids will want to be here every day for this! Our gingerbread unit is usually one of the most loved by the kiddos!
Tuesday 7th: Picture Day Retakes! Anyone who was either not photographed or needs a retake come ready to smile today!
( Hint hint Lena, Mohammad, Ryan, Eleen, Mohammed + Mrs. Hamade!)
Wednesday 8th: NO Late start for Prek! We will start at 8:35 like always! If you come late, please come through the office. Thanks!
Wednesday 15th: Pajama Day for PreK! Wear your favorite jammies to school today!
Thursday 16th: Winter FUN Parent Meeting! Come join us during your designated time for a morning full or wintery fun! We have a couple of projects and some other surprises planned for parents and kids! Please 1 parent attend with their child.
Mohammed AlRukhami
Mohammad Alsayyad
Thank you all for sending in all the warm winter gear! The kids ABSOLUTELY love playing outside! Please be sure to throw some slip on shoes in their backpacks along with the boots, otherwise they are just in socks. I don’t let muddy shoes/boots into the room since we sit on and play on our rugs everyday!
In your child’s folder you will see a couple of papers from LAHC. Ms. Zahraa who works with the organization will be coming to our classroom for 6 weeks on Wednesdays to teach the kids about healthy living. (Eating, germs, exercise, etc.)
PLEASE sign and return the permission slip on the RETURN TO SCHOOL side of the red folder. The items on the KEEP AT HOME side do not need to come back.
This is a fun program for the children to participate in! Today we learned about germs and handwashing, did 20 second exercises and had a yummy snack!
Their healthy homework this week is to “teach” a family member how to wash their hands.
Handwashing 101
Wet hands
Get soap
Scrub, scrub, scrub for 20 seconds! You can count to 20 or sing the ABC song
Happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful to have such a supportive and kind group of families with us this year. Thank you all for all that you are doing!
Please enjoy the time off with your families, read a little, eat a little (or a lot!), and use the time to just be a family! <3
Wishing you all a healthy and safe break! See you on Monday!
We WILL go outside if the temperature with windchill is above 20 degrees! Here is what the research says about playing outside in the cold…..
Q: Can cold weather make you get sick?
A: We’re so happy you asked this question so we can set the record straight once and for all: To catch a cold, you need to be exposed to a virus. Simply being out in cold weather can’t trigger the sniffles.
You’ve probably heard this before, but washing hands (yours, baby’s, and anyone else’s who comes into regular contact with her) often is the number-one way to keep colds and other germs away.
Q: Why does my child need to play outside?
On average, American children spend four to seven minutes a day in unstructured outdoor play compared to seven or more hours in front of a screen. Here are five good reasons why it’s so important for parents to incorporate children playing outside.
1. Build physically healthier children.
Nowhere is better than the outdoors for running, jumping, throwing balls, catching, pulling things, lifting and carrying objects. All these actions require motor skills that improve with practice. Children playing outside get aerobic exercise and gain skills, such as pushing and pulling outdoor play equipment. Studies show children burn more calories outdoors, helping to prevent obesity and strengthen bones and muscles. Playing in the sun builds vitamin D in the body, which means stronger bones and less likelihood of chronic diseases. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, many children have vitamin D deficiencies.
2. Contribute to cognitive and social/emotional development.
Unstructured outdoor play helps kids learn to take turns, share and develop other positive behavioral skills. They are more likely to be inventive, explore and learn about the world around them and use their own abilities. While they invent and play games with siblings or friends, these interactions help improve communication, cooperation and organizational skills. Additionally, fresh air and free play reduce stress levels.
3. Improve sensory skills.
An optometry and vision science study showed children who play outside regularly have better distance vision than children who are always indoors. Preschoolers, in particular, learn new things through their senses. Think of a toddler’s delight at seeing new animals (sight), stopping at a bed of fragrant flowers (smell and touch), watching the water form puddles for stomping (hearing and touch) or eating a parent-approved berry from a bush (taste). On the other hand, children glued to television and electronic devices use only two senses (hearing and sight). This can negatively affect development of perceptual abilities.
4. Increase attention spans.
Children who play outdoors regularly are more curious, self-directed and likely to stay with a task longer. Children who spend most of their time indoors with little exposure to activities requiring their own initiation and follow-through show less ability to initiate or participate in new activities. In fact, studies of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) found that children with ADHD who spent significant time outdoors exhibited fewer symptoms.
5. Grow in happiness and immunity.
Outdoor light stimulates the pineal gland. This part of the brain is vital to keeping our immune system strong and making us feel happier. Spending time in nature is also associated with improving mood and happiness. An added bonus is that children who identify with nature are more likely to become adults who appreciate nature and want to protect the environment.
A warm jacket, hat, and gloves also help to keep your child healthy and happy during outside time! Be sure they have them every day for school just in case! Also pack a FEW extra masks so your child can easily switch them out when they do get yucky!
Blowing noses, and keeping hands clean are the best bets to keep from spreading germs! Use these videos with your child to help them become self sufficient when it comes to self hygiene care!
Quick easy tips! Just be sure to have your child hold the tissue for themselves!
We had 100% attendance for parent-teacher conferences! THANK YOU! It was so nice to be able to sit with you all, chat about your kiddo, and connect for more than 10 seconds at the door! Thank you for investing in your child, and showing them that school matters!
In the room:
We are grooving with our routines now, and have starting adding more and more academic content into our days. We are currently working our way through exploring the alphabet, the sounds that letters make, both capital and lowercase letters, the letters that make up our names, and words that start with each letter.
For math we are working on lots of concepts: counting 1 to 1, making patterns, identifying shapes, sorting items into categories, and understanding data.
We are going to be working on journaling/writing/drawing more too now that we have Mrs. Hamade back! Lots of fun learning is coming our way! <3
Looking Ahead:
Thanksgiving Break: NO school for all students November 24-26
Winter Fun Parent “Meeting”: On December 16th our parent-child meeting will be a morning filled with lots of fun winter themed activities! This will be a super fun morning without any kind of speeches from Ms. Reid! 🙂
At Home:
Looking for ways to keep your child engaged and off of that tablet at home?
Try this! Set a timer for 2 mins and have your child go find something on the list and run it back to you. Once they have collected all the items, maybe let them have a small treat!