If you are a peer mentor, you are required to write a weekly log reflection. You will turn this in each week to the teacher that you mentor for.
Each week create a google doc, entitle it Peer Mentor Log- with your name and Hour you Mentor. You then, each week, need to add to the log (Put a date before each entry) and write a one paragraph reflection of your week in your peer mentor class. It is due every Sunday night. If you do not have access to a computer, please provide your handwritten response to your teacher by 1st hour on Monday.
Sentence starters can include:
“I worked with group ___” and we did this…”
“This week in class students reviewed”
“I helped Mr/Miss/Mrs an put together an assignment, I had to staple, 3 hole punch, pass out papers.
“I sit next to ______everyday and I write in their planner. I make sure they are focusing on the task Mr/Miss/Mrs is asking them to do.
Talk about the relationships you are building with the students and teacher. Reflect on it, which means write about how students now come to you for help and what they came to you for help for.