Week 6
Sunday May 24, 2020
Week Six assignment/activities:
Week Six Engagement: Review Ch. 5 Vocabulary. Read Ch. 5, Section 2-3, pages 106-116. Send 2 email check-ins.
Week Six Participation: Submit by email a 3-5 sentence explanation of how a concept or vocabulary term from Ch.5, Section 2 or 3 is affected by the current economic conditions.
Remember each week you need to send 2 check-in emails and 1 assignment email. (Three emails each week)
Write what your email is for: (example “Week 1 Check-in 1” or “Week 1 Check-in 2”) Make sure ALL of your emails include your name, your student number and the hour of your class.
Link to Google Classroom for Ch. 5 and Ch. 5 Vocabulary: