May Art

Young 5 and kindergarten artists used clay during the month of May!

Young 5 artists created clay roses and Kindergarten artists created clay beads. They all painted their creations and the beads were strung onto a necklace.

They also created an ice cream cone collage one day and

They created their collages by cutting out a triangle for the cone, and then ripped small pieces of colorful paper and glued them together in a circle above the triangle to look like a scoop of ice cream. Some artists cut out shapes for sprinkles, cherries, and other toppings too.


First grade artists created a landscape collage that showed examples of implied texture, pattern, and origami!

They drew 8 patterns on a piece of folded paper for their ground, painted over their patterns with watercolor paints, painted a sky with sponge-painted clouds, they added paper and oil pastel details, then they folded an origami house and glued everything together!

Third grade artists finished their chalk animals!

Then they created portfolios to take home and are currently working on an origami dragon!



Fifth grade artists finished painting their observational flower drawings with a glue outline.

After they made portfolios they worked on their comic drawings that they started with Mrs. Musaad.

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