Hello students of all ages and grade levels. For some it has been far too long, for others I haven’t yet met but I am certainly looking forward to it. I first want to say thank you for stopping in to check out my P.E. blog. I hope this message finds you rested after the summer break and most importantly Healthy!!
Last year this blog was the primary method of communication, however this year we will be using a new learning platform or link called Schoology. All teachers and staff will be teaching through schoology to make it easier for you students to get all of your assignments and information in one place on one site. Your classroom teachers will teach you more in the coming weeks on how to use it so for now just be patient and do your best to get familiar with it.
I am looking forward to hearing from some of you, if you could leave a comment in the box about something cool you did this summer that would be great. As for this 1st week I will post an assignment by Wednesday which will just be a “get to know you” type of activity about what your favorite sport is and what type of athletic activities you like to participate in are. Best of luck this year as we will all be learning together. We will ease into this year but learn a ton.