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Class Calendar

Need to know what happened in class? Check the class calendar.

Language Arts 5 & 6

LA 5 & 6 Supplies
  • one desktop or laptop computer – If you need to borrow one from school and you missed the pickup dates, please contact the school office at 313-827-1600.
  • smartphone apps: If you have a smartphone, please install the following apps. Yes, we’re totally serious. All apps are free and available for both iOS and Android phones. 

And if you’re a fan of making lists, we highly recommend Google Keep as well. 

AP Language & Composition

AP Lang Supplies
    • one desktop or laptop computer – If you need to borrow one from school and you missed the pickup dates, please contact the school office at 313-827-1600.
    • choice book for reading – Books must be school appropiate and relatively reading level-appropriate. Feel free to get your own book but books are available to borrow from our classroom libraryDearborn Public Libraries, Open eBooks, and the school media center. As an AP student, please give serious thought to challenging yourself with your reading selections. Or let me help you find a great book to read!
    • smartphone apps: If you have a smartphone, please install the following apps. Yes, I’m totally serious. All apps are free and available for both iOS and Android phones. 

And if you’re a fan of making lists, we highly recommend Google Keep.

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