- Our core vocab word of the week was “want”
- We practiced using the word “want” in many ways. The children took turns requesting songs using the sentence starter “I want…” They also made requests for when they wanted more food at snack
- Our letter of the week was “W”
- We practiced the letter “W” by reading an interactive book and searching through our rice bin for objects that start with the letter “W,” we did a watermelon bingo sheet, traced a whale, and sang letter “W” songs
- We read many books including “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and “Ten Easter Eggs”
- The students worked on building stamina during read to self time during which they practiced their book handling skills
- The children practiced counting and adding with an Easter basket and egg craft. Our work is hanging in the hallway outside our classroom
- We read an interactive book about things we see in the spring
- The children practiced identifying the first letter of their name during attendance
- We went for a walk to enjoy the weather and had some time on the playground
- The children worked on sorting by shape after reading a book about shapes in the world around us
- Spring Pictures – April 16th
- No School – April 19th
- Late Start – April 24th
- Zoo Field Trip – May 13th (permission slips will be sent home soon!)
- Late Start – May 15th
- City Beautiful Parade – May 16th
- No School – May 24th -27th
- Special Ed Field Day Field Trip – Math 28th (permission slips will be sent home soon!)