Hope you have had a nice weekend. As we begin this week I just wanted to remind you that supply pick up is This Tuesday the 12th through Thursday the 14th. They will need the folder by Friday because we will be using it that day for Martin Luther King Day work. The folders will be in the lobby in a bin, names are on them. You will also need to look for a bag of supplies with their name on it. I have told them not to take things out of the bag, they are not toys, and I also told them not to eat the candy hearts that are in there as they are for math next month. Please turn in their current yellow folder, except for the packet labeled Unit 4 Week 3-that’s this week’s work. Thank you for turning in their other folders, a few were not turned in, these have been looked at and a grade given. I am going to recycle them unless I hear from you saying you would like it back.
Contents of New Folder:
Reading work for Units 5 and 6 (six packets)
Unit 5 and Unit 6 Reading/Writing Book
Graphic Organizers
Math Quizzes
Some of you will have other papers in there that were in my mailbox such as…….NWEA fall scores (there were a couple students that I did not receive a sheet for??) DIRIP Contract which was something I discussed at conferences with some of you, and class pictures (and/or or yearbook) from last year if you had ordered them.
NWEA AND DRA’S THIS WEEK-we are coming to another quarter and report cards will be worked on at the end of January so we are giving them NWEA test (reading only) as well as a reading test (DRA) to check what level they are at (fluency and comprehension). We will be doing this testing during small group times this week and next (if needed). Attendance for small group has improved greatly, keep up the good work 🙂
Have a great week!