June 8

Parents, please complete this survey concerning your feedback on returning to school in the fall. Please take the time to take the survey and allow your voices to be heard. YOUR OPINION DOES MATTER. Please click on the link below to start the survey. For translation assistance, parents may call 313-580-2532 Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th 8:30a.m. through 4:30p.m. School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1 https://forms.gle/DNx3eN8hcRpXsfSs5

الاهل الاعزاء،

الرجاء ملء هذا الاستطلاع القصير ولكن المهم جداٌ لرأيكم في إمكانية العودة الى المدرسة في الخريف المقبل. من المهم ان تأخذوا الوقت الكافي للإجابة على الأسئلة وترك تعليقاتكم.  يرجى الضغط على الرابط ادناه للإجابة.  للمساعدة في الترجمة ، يمكنم الاتصال بالرقم 3135802532 من الاثنين 8 يونيو إلى الجمعة 12 يونيو من 8:30 صباحًا حتى 4:30 مساءٌ.


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April 24

Meal Distribution times changing at 4 locations

With the start of Ramadan, meal distribution times will change at four locations.  
Starting Friday, April 24, 2020 student meal distribution will be from noon to 2 p.m. at Fordson High, Salina Intermediate, Woodworth Middle and McCollough Elementary. The later time will continue through Memorial Day.
Food will still be handed out between 10 a.m. and noon at Dearborn High, Edsel Ford High and Smith Middle School.
Please remember to stay safe, stay home.

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