Today we had a great time playing Minute to Win it in the Gym. The first grade team did a great job! (See class dojo for pictures). We finished our Math NWEA test and will finish Reading tomorrow. We practiced using 5-group cards and making number bonds. We enjoyed some time being creative in Art class and learned more about our 5-senses.
Today’s Math Practice: Pages 43 & 44 Math worksheet (use your 5-group cards pg 45 to help you – you can cut them out) / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)
Today’s Spelling Practice: Building Words (write one letter at a time until you spell your word).
Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day. At the end of the week we will do a spelling check.
Tomorrow’s Specials: Music / Physical Education / Library
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheese Pizza / Crispy Halal Chicken Salad
*REMEMBER Friday is a 1/2 day. School will start at 8:55 and end at 12:05
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