What’s Happening in Intro to 3-D Design?

June 6th – June 14th: Students are encouraged to leave their phones in their lockers during exam time! Finish Strong!!!

On the 6th and 7th all classes will be preparing review sheets  for the final exams, finishing surfaces on the plaster sculpture, printmaking, and finally taking exams the week of the 10th.

Eid Break

May 10th – May 31st:

An extremely busy time for our seniors: senior final exams and prep, Honors Night, a Meemic award, art show, storage clean out and more all coupled with a long weekend. Students randomly picked two principles of design from a hat and then had the challenge of creating a sculpture in plaster of paris to best represent the concepts they picked.

April 29 – May 10th: 5/3/19 Ends the card marking,  Superintendents Night  5/8/19, Needed: an empty 1/2 gallon carton

Students are finishing surface work on the monuments and developing new concepts in wire sculpture forms.

April 15th -April 26th:  Senior Picture Day Wednesday 4-17 & No School Friday, 4-19

Students worked on a variety of surface techniques for the monument assignment, & planner cover designs. The District Wide Art Show is scheduled to open on Wednesday April 24th.

April 8th -April 12th:

Amazing news ***The new kilns have been placed!*** The sculptures that were drying over the break will be one of the first clayworks to be  fired in our new equipment. Also, this week students will start thinking about ideas for & making practice sketches for next year’s planner cover deign contest. The deadline is approaching.

April 1st – 5th Enjoy Spring Break! See you on the 8th of April.

March 25th -March 29th:

Students will learn basic clay properties and begin to will move forward on their plan to design a new monument.  All clay works are due by the end of the week.

March 18th -March 22nd:

The students will explore American monuments. After becoming familiar with famous monuments of the US each student will design a new monument. At the weeks end students will practice working with Terra-cotta for this assignment.

March 11th -March 15th:

Students will reflect on their end result from the paper mache’ sculpture & they will give feedback to their peers. Those who finish early will begin to look at monuments and site specific sculptures for inspiration on the next assignment.

March 4th -March 8th:

Students are nearing the finishing line; each student must select an outermost surface finish. This could be painted on or collaged with a material that enhances the form.

February 25th -March 1st:

The student’s focus this week is on forming a surface around the existing armature of their form, they are using paper- mache’ for this step. They are still giving attention to proportion and to balance of the form.

February  19th -22nd:

The students have this week to individualize the armature for their selected idea. Careful consideration will be give to the form in the round and the subjects proportions.

February 11th -13th:

Each student will build a sound base and expand their individual armature from the base. Students are drawing & working on visualizing  materials needed to expand the armature for their selected idea.

February 4th -8th:

The focus this week is on the armature. Students will plan a free standing sculpture in the form of 3 drawings incorporating multiple viewpoints of their subject choice.

January 28th – February 1st:

Students work collaboratively to plan, build, predict outcomes and overcome obstacles as the sculptures take on larger forms.

Welcome to Introduction to Three Dimensional/3-D Design!

We begin our journey together with a focus on the concept of In the Round. The first project students will work on will be collaborative; the students will work together in teams to construct a free standing sculpture in the round.