What’s Happening in 2-D Design?

Dear Parent(s),

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

For a better future of our city, schools, and students, please click on the link now and fill out the census. It only takes a few minutes from your time to make a difference.

Complete the Census application here:



Jenifer Domino

Friday, June 12

happy cote d'azur GIF by Molang.Official

Stay safe and remain cautious; see you in the fall!

You did a wonderful job with all of the changes we went through this year and I’m proud of you. Please keep in mind that you still need to be mindful and cautious throughout the summer.

Virtual Office Hours:

8:00am – 3:00pm. Monday -Friday

Quick Response, Monday- Thursday, 1pm – 3pm

Monday, June 8 – June 11

Watch the for Screencast for Week 12

The Gist:

Objective: Complete and turn in make up work for this class from weeks 5 through 11. If you are already caught up with everything, answer the survey, and then enjoy your summer break in a responsible manner. Try your best to be safe!


  • Answer the survey questions.
  • Go back through the assignments and turn in missing assignments starting with week 5 and up through week 11.

Monday, June 1 – June 5

Watch the Screencast for Week 11

The Gist: 

This week’s art topic is inspired by Saturday’s current event in which SpaceX and NASA successfully launch two astronauts into space from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, is an engineer, industrial designer and technology entrepreneur. His company goals include all kinds of interesting things like reducing global warming through sustainable energy and lessening the risk of human extinction by establishing a human colony on Mars. That’s a pretty big goal, but what if it can be accomplished? That is this week’s challenge, your task is to imagine what life on Mars would look like if it were colonized.

Tuesday,  May 26 – May 29

The Gist: 

Watch the Screencast for Week 10

Objective: Artworks can reflect and record meaningful activities from everyday life. Show me how Life is good!” from your point of view this week.

I’m putting this lesson out early because I think, and hope, we will all be celebrating in some way this weekend. Maybe you will be celebrating: the completion of a test, nearing graduation, Eid al-Fitr, a birthday, Memorial Day or simply relaxing. Take a good look around as you safely and responsibly celebrate this weekend, because your task is to report back to me in the form of a drawing, painting, collage OR a photograph with artful evidence that “Life is Good”. 

Monday, May 18 – May 21

Last week for “Seniors” –  Congratulations, you made it & we are all proud of you!

Graduation GIFs | Tenor

Screencastify link

The Gist:

(A full explaination can be found in Google Classroom.)


Draw, paint or collage a personal roadmap of success to this point in your high school career and beyond. Place road signs along the road describing your accomplishments and goals; use each added road signs to produce visual rhythm. Show us how you have rolled out success and/or how you plan to roll out success!


  • Jot down a few notes about your achievements throughout high school to this point and your future goals before you begin.
  • Start out by drawing a road, wider at the bottom of the page-smaller at the top of the page (the lines could converge at the top).
  • Add signs and symbols in a repetitive manner to visually express your achievements and goals.
  • Have Fun with this!

Monday, May 11 – May 15: The Gist

(A full explaination can be found in Google Classroom.)

Screencastify link

Objective: Draw a new family crest design, sometimes called coat of arms, that features five (or more) areas of greatness in your life. Make your design have symmetrical balance, also known as formal balance.


    1. Watch this video to learn about a coat of arms/family crest.
    2. Let your ideas flow, sketch out a couple practice designs before you make your final family crest design
  • Think about the symbols you want to use in your design
  • Practice the layout of your design
  • Don’t forget to feature at least 5 family strengths
  • Have Fun!

Monday, May 4 – May 8: The Gist

(A full explaination can be found in Google Classroom.)

Screencastify link

Objective: Produce a composition (drawing) that includes the use of simulated texture (drawing of a realistic texture) somewhere in the work.


  1. Find 3 textures from objects that you would  like to try drawing in your house.
  2. Watch and follow along with the  demonstration video on how to draw textures.
  3. Pick one art activity from the 2 choices listed below, always practice first:
    1. Draw 3 textured cubes by following along with the steps in the video as a practice exercise. Then make a final work by reusing the cubes in a new way, like stacking them up to create a robot character.
    2. Practice drawing textures from objects found in your house. When you have improved the overall drawing of the object’s edges, value and pattern, produce a final drawing of the object.

Tuesday, April 28 – May 1: The Gist

Watch the following demonstration video to see how to cut shapes out from the center of a paper sheet, and then place it in the correct place to create a mirror image (if that is which direction you wish to work in). Keep this simple – use scissors only – do not use knives for this project. Scissors workout great and no one gets hurt! Of course, there are full directions in our Google Classroom Slideshow including examples from the masters and student examples.

Monday, April 27 Review:

Since we are all still trying to understand and digest the new requirements for virtual learning I think it’s a good idea to review the material. For homework please re-read the district memo in regard to credit requirements for each class (condensed high school version below),
Students who chose to:

-Engage in 75% of remote lessons and hangouts & earn a 75% or higher score on submitted assignments per class can still earn an “A” grade for this class. (Option 1, I hope you all strive for this option/target)

-Engage in 60-74% of remote lessons and hangouts & a passing grade on 60-74% of assignments per class can earn a “G” grade for this class. (Option 2)

-Engage in less than 60% of remote lessons and hangouts & earn a passing grade on less than 60% of assignments will receive no credit. (Option 3)

Or …
You can follow the complete plan, a summary of how the plan impacts elementary, middle and high school students, along with grading criteria for each grade level can be found at:

Friday, April 24

Reminder, there are 2 things due this week for full credit:

1. A check-in, which for this class is the attendance in a meet/hangout and an exit ticket.

2. The Assignment piece, which demonstrate engagement, create an artwork with a focus on organic/geometric shapes.

Thank you to all who participated in a professional manner during the Google Hangouts.

Tuesday, April 21

We will use Google Meet/Hangout today based on the schedule that Mr. Martin sent out to us. I copied it and pasted it at the top of your email, the one I sent out Sunday afternoon. If you did not get an email on Sunday then follow this link it will take you to the email.

I will see you in the Google Meet/Hangout soon for this class.  Remember you will not be able to join until I open it up, I will open it about 2-3 min. early. Check the Stream tab in Google classroom for your Google Meet/Hangout nickname/code and directions.

See you soon : D

Monday, April 20

Starting today & moving forward the class work counts!

Meet with your 1st, 2nd & 3rd hour teacher(s) based on the schedule that Mr. Martin sent out to us. I copied it and pasted it at the top of your email, the one I sent out yesterday. If you did not get an email yesterday then follow this link it will take you to the email.

I will see you in Google Meet/Hangout tomorrow for this class.

Sunday, April 19

Look for an email from me about the upcoming changes that start tomorrow for our class on Monday, April 20th, or follow the link here.

Friday, April 17

DPS is still hashing out details for the new remote learning plan, but I can tell you to plan for a Google Meet with me on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons – the time schedule for this meeting is listed/scheduled by hour and Mr. Martin will be sharing the schedule with you soon.

Please review the DPS Guide below before we meet; I copied and pasted it from the district document for your view.

Google Meet/Hangout Etiquette Guide for Students:

Take a Look at your video BEFORE joining the Hangout. Make sure that everything in the video (especially the background) is appropriate.
When you enter the Meet/Hangout, mute yourself (If you are already not muted.)
When you have a question, type in the textbox and wait for your teacher to call on you.
When you have something to contribute to what is being said, but it is not your turn, use the chat feature in the right-hand corner.
Wait for the teacher to call on you to unmute yourself.
Only one student should contribute/talk at a time
Look into the camera when you are talking.
Stay attentive. Pay attention to your teacher or other students who are speaking.

Student directions to Join the Intro to 2-D Design Meet on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons:
* The nickname for your class is posted on the google classroom stream page

1. In a web browser, enter https://meet.google.com.
2. Click Join the class meeting.
3. Enter the nickname/code.
4. Follow my expectation of gracious professionalism & the DPS Etiquette Guide above
5. Once you are in we can: Enjoy reconnecting face to face, ask questions in an orderly fashion, hopefully answer all/most of your questions, and preview the week’s work together. SEE YOU SOON!
P.S. Help me get everyone on board with this – if you know any holdout students tell them to join now-it’s urgent.

Thursday, April 16

They have started detailing the DPS plan for moving forward with virtual learning since the stay home order has been extended. I’ll keep you posted as the situation evolves…it’s evolving over the next 2-3 days at least. One sure thing that evolved so far from yesterday is that student work is going to count-they are still working out the details on what that will look like. Another important detail-especially for seniors and juniors, if at all possible you want to earn a grade for your transcripts vs. credit only for the class. To earn a grade you must participate, and turn in work (your own work). If you need a chromebook please email me or your counselor at the school to find out about availability. I’ll keep you posted as I learn new information.

Is there any chance that you know a person in our class that is not participating in online virtual learning yet? Why not? Please encourage them to participate. DPS is trying to identify every family that is having difficulty with internet access and families that need additional tech devices. Can you help me get the word out to those who are not participating due to lack of technology? They should email me so that I can direct their information to support staff.

Let’s not forget the many great benefits for staying engaged in learning during this time period:  1. This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Just getting started with virtual learning: Join google classroom to participate in Intro. to 2-D Design; view the weekly slideshow for the enrichment activities and pace. For now nothing will be marked late- I had to set a due date for each lesson (this could change based on future directives). Don’t hesitate to email me with questions; I’ll do my best to help out. Try to contact me through email or google classroom during regular school hours, but I’ll try to respond to questions in the early evening hours as much as possible. There are many helpful tips on this blog as well – just scroll down for useful tips.

Please continue to stay home, stay safe (social distance & wash your hands frequently), and be part of the solution to save lives.

Remember –I’m counting on you! Mrs. Domino

Wednesday, April 15

I”m in scheduled meetings for a huge chunk of the day today and a little tomorrow; my guess is that they will start detailing the DPS plan for moving forward with virtual learning since the stay home order has been extended. I’ll keep you posted as the situation evolves…it’s evolving over the next 2-3 days at least.

Is there any chance that you know a person in our class that is not participating in online virtual learning yet? Why not? Please encourage them to participate. DPS is trying to identify every family that is having difficulty with internet access and families that need additional tech devices. Can you help me get the word out to those who are not participating due to lack of technology? They should email me so that I can direct their information to support staff.

Let’s not forget the many great benefits for staying engaged in learning during this time period:  1. This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Just getting started with virtual learning: Join google classroom to participate in Intro. to 2-D Design; view the weekly slideshow for the enrichment activities and pace. For now nothing will be marked late- I had to set a due date for each lesson (this could change based on future directives). Don’t hesitate to email me with questions; I’ll do my best to help out. Try to contact me through email or google classroom during regular school hours, but I’ll try to respond to questions in the early evening hours as much as possible. There are many helpful tips on this blog as well – just scroll down for useful tips.

Please continue to stay home, stay safe (social distance & wash your hands frequently), and be part of the solution to save lives.

Remember –I’m counting on you! Mrs. Domino

Tuesday, April 14

Is there any chance that you know a person in our class that is not participating in online virtual learning yet? Why not? Please encourage them to participate. DPS is trying to identify every family that is having difficulty with internet access and families that need additional tech devices. Can you help me get the word out to those who are not participating due to lack of technology? They should email me so that I can direct their information to support staff.

Let’s not forget the many great benefits for staying engaged in learning during this time period:  1. This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Just getting started with virtual learning: Join google classroom to participate in Intro. to 2-D Design; view the weekly slideshow for the enrichment activities and pace. For now nothing will be marked late- I had to set a due date for each lesson (this could change based on future directives). Don’t hesitate to email me with questions; I’ll do my best to help out. Try to contact me through email or google classroom during regular school hours, but I’ll try to respond to questions in the early evening hours as much as possible. There are many helpful tips on this blog as well – just scroll down for useful tips.

Please continue to stay home, stay safe (social distance & wash your hands frequently), and be part of the solution to save lives.

Remember –I’m counting on you! Mrs. Domino

Monday, April 13

Welcome back : D
I hope you are energized and ready to get back in the swing of virtual learning this week and through April 30 (so far). I’m trying too as well. If you are a student who turned things in over the break, I’ll be looking at those items today and maybe tomorrow.

Let’s not forget the many great benefits for staying engaged in learning during this time period:  1. This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Just getting started with virtual learning: Join google classroom to participate in Intro. to 2-D Design; view the weekly slideshow for the enrichment activities and pace. For now nothing will be marked late- I had to set a due date for each lesson (this could change based on future directives). Don’t hesitate to email me with questions; I’ll do my best to help out. Try to contact me through email or google classroom during regular school hours, but I’ll try to respond to questions in the early evening hours as much as possible. There are many helpful tips on this blog as well – just scroll down for useful tips.

Please continue to stay home, stay safe (social distance & wash your hands frequently), and be part of the solution to save lives.

Remember –I’m counting on you! Mrs. Domino

Enjoy Spring Break!

Friday, April 3

As you know, we will be going on “Spring Break” next week. Teachers have been asked by administration to refrain from work during this time.

So, if you are a student that needs help with something –please email me before Friday, April 3, 3:30 pm, so that I can advise you/help you with questions.

If you are joining our class in google classroom late for any reason (which you do not have to explain), you can still join and do all the work. I will give feedback after the break.

If you are a student that has been keeping up all along or have caught up with the work- you are all set until we return & thank you for sticking with it!

Please continue to stay home, stay safe (social distance & wash your hands frequently), and be part of the solution to save lives.

Thank you to all of our families doing their part by complying with the stay-at-home order and for encouraging your learners to work virtually from home. Additionally, I want to thank our families that act as first responders in: health care, law enforcement, food provision, energy, water/waste public works, defense, communication, community government and everyone in the Dearborn Public Schools learning community.

Stay safe!

Thursday, April 2

* If you joined us late for any reason, all assignments are posted in Google Classroom for this class, it’s not too late to join. Use the code for your hour sent out to you through email on March 16, 2020 or email me for the code.*

Please keep the class work coming in through google classroom. This week’s theme is “Virtual Field Trips” – follow the links in the slideshow to various art museums in the United States and beyond. Enjoy!

As difficult as it may seem, please continue to social distance – if you find yourself getting discouraged check out this free course put out by Yale University -The Happiness Lab. They have a session called Finding Happiness During COVID-19 Pandemic-it looks like it’s worth checking out…I checked out some of it…it’s good stuff!

Did you know? A white ribbon is a salute to medical professionals on the frontline of  COVID-19 – I noticed a bunch of white ribbons popping up in my neighborhood while walking the dogs yesterday. So- I joined in on the salute. Here’s what I did: I used (30 sheets) typing/printer paper, then I arranged the shape of a ribbon on the floor, taped it together-on the back side. Then I trimmed the rough edges and it was ready to hang. You could make a smaller ribbon, but I made one the length of the door since we have plenty of typing paper.

Also -this is still such a cute MEME

Wednesday, April 1

Don’t forget….


Tuesday, March 31

Please keep the class work coming in through google classroom. This week’s theme is “Virtual Field Trips” – follow the links in the slideshow to various art museums in the United States and beyond. Enjoy!

As difficult as it may seem, please continue to social distance – if you find yourself getting discouraged check out this free course put out by Yale University -The Happiness Lab. They have a session called Finding Happiness During COVID-19 Pandemic-it looks worth checking out…I checked out some of it…it’s good stuff!

Also -this is still such a cute MEME

Monday, March 30

Please keep the class work coming in and continue to social distance – if you find yourself getting discouraged check out this free course put out by Yale University -The Happiness Lab. They have a session called Finding Happiness During COVID-19 Pandemic-it looks worth checking out…I checked out some of it…it’s good stuff!

Also -this is such a cute MEME

It’s the Weekend – Turn in your work for feedback!

Friday, March 27th:

Happy Friday!     

Hopefully you have noticed a pattern in the work we are/have been doing on virtual learning in Google Classroom. The pattern is: To start with, each week is in bold and identified with the date. Below the date are icons that describe -The slideshow which is a tool that mirrors our smart board or chalk board in class. The slideshow contains objectives, activities, links to concepts and describes the assignments and due dates. The assignment icons are also located under the date-it is the place where the assignments are turned in/uploaded.

Please continue to social distance – if you find yourself getting discouraged check out this free course put out by Yale University -The Happiness Lab. They have a session called Finding Happiness During COVID-19 Pandemic-it looks worth checking out…I checked out some of it…it’s good stuff!

Weekend thoughts: Stay Home, Stop the Spread, Save Lives

Please remember some of the great benefits for staying engaged in learning during this time period:  1. This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Did you know?…

DPS offers a COVID -19 Emotional Support Hotline, available Monday -Friday between 8am -4 pm

DPS is offering an emotional support hotline in order to provide support to students/families who are experiencing anxiety, fear and stress in this time of crisis. Families contacting the hotline by phone or email will receive follow up contact by a school counselor, social worker or psychologist.
Families can contact the hotline at: 313-827-8500 or by email at: dss@dearbornschools.org   Please Call 911 in the event of an emergency

Thursday, March 26th:

This week we are working on drawing techniques daily; short lessons to build skills. The lessons can be done on any type of paper in pencil, pen, or marker-things that most people have at home.

Let’s not forget the many great benefits for staying engaged in learning during this time period:  1. This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Remember –I’m counting on you! Mrs. Domino

P. S. If you are joining us now-be sure to check out the tips for getting documents and pictures uploaded into google classroom in the March 23rd post.

Wednesday, March 25th:

This week we are working on drawing techniques daily; short lessons to build skills. The lessons can be done on any type of paper in pencil, pen, or marker-things that most people have at home. Hope you enjoy these lessons, as you know-practice is the main form of refinement in all areas of art.

Reminder: Grading is being used for feedback only-if you see a numerical score in the book it DOES NOT count against or toward your grade. Please read the comments for an explanation of the score.

HOW TO -Upload a Picture or a Document: Several students are still struggling with uploading work in the assignment, please read the tips found on the “Stream” tab found in google classroom.

Tuesday, March 24th:

This week we are working on drawing techniques daily; short lessons to build skills. The lessons can be done on any type of paper in pencil, pen, or marker-things that most people have at home. Hope you enjoy these lessons, as you know-practice is the main form of refinement in all areas of art.

Reminder: Grading is being used for feedback only-if you see a numerical score in the book it DOES NOT count against or toward your grade. Please read the comments for an explanation of the score.

Monday, March 23

Good Morning Pioneers!

I hope you and your family watched Mr. Martins’s video updating us on the status of our current situation. If you did, you know that we are going to provide you with learning enrichment opportunities that are not graded. Why, you may ask? There are many great reasons: 1.This will keep your mind sharp, active and prevent academic slide; 2.The activities and practice with Google Classroom will help us stay connected through learning; 3.It’s the best way to keep up a healthy routine/schedule at this time; and 4.We are following (in compliance with) the directives/guidance set for us by the state.

Moving forward-all of the Art Enrichment objectives, activities and assignments, which I would like to call Art Enchantments, can be found in Google Classroom. If you joined last week –keep doing what you are doing. If you are joining this week, refer to the notes below, it should help your progress.

Time is running out to pick up a Chromebook-the last day to borrow/pick up a Chromebook from school has been changed to Today, March 23rd.

If you are just joining us now…below is a look at last week in a nutshell:

Students were invited to join Google Classroom-please join : )

Go to google classroom through your DPS email and select the + to join our class. Use the code that I shared with you located at the bottom of the email sent out on 3/16 & 3/18. When you are in you have completed step #1.

Step #2 click on CLASSWORK; once you are in classwork you will notice headings such as: Check In, and 3/16 – 3/20 (Week one). Under each heading you will find directions. Under the heading 3/16-3/20 you will find –Week 1 Slide Show- think of the slideshow as the white board in our classroom, I organized this by day but you can move along as quickly as you like. It is the overview of activities for the week – click on the slideshow and preview the week. Underneath the Slide Show you will find the assignments. If you are new to google classroom (like I am), you will need to upload your assignment from your Google Docs or Drive, where you save your work. To do this: click on the assignment you want to turn in, then click on add attachment at the bottom. From there select drive if you have already started a google doc to attach it, if not then click on doc to create a new document to write your response. Once the work is done click Submit/turn In -to turn in the assignment. If you want to upload a picture, save it to your google drive and follow the drive instructions above.

March 20th:

I miss seeing you all and very much look forward to returning to school sooner than later. I’m counting on you to make good choices: social distance, hand wash, help out at home, and be kind to your family. I am very proud of each of you because you’re doing such a great job stepping up to our new learning challenges.

One of my challenges has been to reach every one of my students. There are a small number students who have not yet joined our class. Perhaps they share a computer with siblings, have had technical difficulties with wifi or have not checked their email or our blog. I still want you to join- it’s not too late.

If you have not joined yet, you will need a code based on your class/hour to have access to virtual learning; email me for the code if you need it, so that I can share it with you. The code is also located in the emails sent out earlier this week.

So far, the Zentangle designs (Due Tuesday, 3/24) are looking good and folks seem to be enjoying the process.

Thought of the day: Keep Calm and Zentangle On

March 19th: Happy Spring- today marks the Spring Equinox at 11:49 pm

Hope you are all well and able to navigate through all of your classes easily! Just a reminder that my email is domino@dearbornschools.org if you have any questions.

Thought of the day: Working together in moving forward on virtual learning –We can do it!

March 18th:

Many of you are moving forward with the virtual learning for this class-and that’s Awesome! For those of you that have not yet joined, the objectives and activities will be found in Google Classroom based on your class hour. You will need a code for your hour to have access to virtual learning; email me for the code if you need it, so that I can share it with you. My email is dominoj@dearbornschools.org
The theme for this week’s art work is: Zentangle

Below 3/17 -Late last night as some assignments trickled in:

A comment  was placed in the gradebook under Virtual Learning Check In for each student today. For many students the comment simply read –Thank you; OR Another comment was – I noticed you joined our google classroom, I’m concerned because you have not responded yet; OR I have identified you as a student that has not checked in-please visit iBlog 

If you are able to respond, please do so.  If you need help navigating the system, post a comment in Google Classroom or email me at domino@dearbornschools.org

Please check in; I have been asked to turn in the names of the students who are not responding to my communications.

*You must be logged into your DPS email to access Google Classroom*

March 17th:  Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

*You must be logged into your DPS email to access Google Classroom*

Virtual learning is up for this class. Objectives and activities can be found in Google Classroom based on your class hour. Remember that you must be logged into your DPS(Dearborn Public School) email to have access to Google classroom. You will need a code for your hour to have access to virtual learning; it was sent out in the form of a mass email yesterday. If you did not get the code through the mass email yesterday, please email me today so that I can re-share the code with you.

Also-I want to thank you for your cooperation during this time of adjustment and as we move towards discovering new ways of working together in the learning process.

The theme for this week’s art work is: Zentangle

Image result for picture of st patrick's day funny Leprechaun handing you a clover flower for good luck!

*You must be logged into your DPS email to access Google Classroom*

March 16th:

Today virtual learning will be made available to you for this class.  Objectives and activities will be found in Google Classroom based on your class hour. You will need a code for your hour to have access to virtual learning; it will be sent to you in the form of a mass email today.

The theme for this week’s art work is:  Zentangle

Over the weekend:

Working on it; it’s all new to me…

Friday 13th:

During the school closure all students enrolled in my classes will receive and complete assignments posted at google classroom. I will be sending a classroom code based on the hour/class you attend. Please be patient, this may be operational on Monday or Tuesday.

March 9th-13th  (Students: 1/2 day Friday 13th)

3/13/20 Due to online learning for the next few weeks please check this blog for directives.

This week we are exploring pastel colors for upcoming landscape paintings.

Students have been instructed to check this blog if the situation of online learning is required for this class.

March 2 – 6 (Friday is the end of the card marking)

The tools and formative practices are centered around value development in black and white and in color. Color theory will play a bigger part in our practices this week.

Missing work for this card marking will be replaced with a 0. All late work should be turned in ASAP-Reminder NO late work is accepted in the final card marking.

February 24 – 28

More tools for your drawing tool box this week as we work together to better skills in observation and value development.

Enjoy Winter Break 2/17-21

Planner cover designs are due on Monday when we return from winter break; this will be counted as a summative grade in the grade-book for this class. If you were behind the break gives you a chance to catch up.

February 10th-14th: Enjoy Winter Break 2/17-21

This week students will use illusion as a springboard for ideas to design a new planner cover. Good Luck – the final prizes are usually pretty nice!

February 4th-7th: Reminder: Late Start Wednesday

This week students will learn the “art” language and practices of linear perspective, they will explore one point perspective and handle rulers.

January 27th-31st:

This week the students will explore illusion using two simple approaches, line variation & movement and basic perspective. Students will learn that not all illusions require a ruler.

January 20th -24th: (No school Mon. 20th & 1/2 days on Tues. the 21st & Wed. the 22nd)

Welcome to Intro. to 2-D Design!

Welcome to semester two of school year 2019-2020! This week we will have introductions, review the phone policy, assign storage, discuss safety procedures, expectations, 2-D art work and more.

Students, parents and guardians are encouraged to follow the tabs Behavioral Expectations and Course Offerings to locate class descriptions and link to Course Syllabi. In fact, printing the behavioral expectations and acquiring a parent signature/guardian on it is the first homework assignment.

Please note that for each art course offering a $5.00 fee is expected to be paid during the first 10 days of school. Supplies are provided, however if your learner wants to use alternate supplies they can, simply purchase all materials needed prior to each assignment.

Let’s make it a GREAT Semester!

January 13th-17th – Finish Strong!

All students are preparing a review sheet for the final exam. If the review sheet is written out in the students own handwriting and 100% complete -it can be used on the final.

Also- Turn in the Planner Cover Design by Friday for full credit!

Won’t be in Monday or Tuesday – follow the link to find the review sheet – http://doc01609920200113105732

January 6th-10th

Last week before finals -get everything caught up and turned in.

December 21st -January 5th      Winter Break

Wishing all of our families a JOYOUS & SAFE holiday season!

December 16th- 20th

Students will practice watercolor brush techniques and then put them to use on a card for charity. Also- we will start brainstorming ideas on paper for next year’s planner cover.

December 9th- 14th

Student self portraits are due at the end of the hour on Thursday; this week the students are developing the portraits in the media of their choice. I will be making the rounds for advice and material provisions.

December 2nd- 6th

Students will answer the question “Who am I ?” in the form of a self portrait. They will consider where they have come from, where they see themselves now and where they are going prior to finalizing their design.

November 18th-26th – Thanksgiving Break

This week the students will practice drawing additional facial features and then pull it all together in final portrait drawings. The 1st portrait drawing will give them practice at the correct placement of the facial features and the 2nd portrait will give them practice at drawing a specific person.

November 11th-15th – Friday marks the end of the 2nd card marking

The students have practiced drawing realistic eyes in class; next they will try to draw the likeness of their own eyes.  Using class chromebooks the students can use the mirror/camera feature to closely observe the shape and fine details of their own eyes. The end result of this drawing will be part of a departmental collaboration titled “Eyes on Success”.

November 4th-8th – No school Tuesday for students

Students are reflecting on their final abstract design and beginning to study the human eye. Each student will be part of a departmental collaboration titled “Eyes on Success”.

October 7th-11th – Students have a 1/2 day Friday 10/11

Students will design a final drawing featuring their newly gained illusion skills in an assignment titled, The Grand Illusion; this is summative assignment or a drawing test. The students develop individualized goals for this project, plan it and follow it through on it to completion.

Looking ahead, next week is parent teacher conferences.

September 30th – October 4th

Students will expand their illusion skills through exploring two-point perspective drawings.

This upcoming Friday marks the end the first card marking. All missing assignments (columns currently without a score/grade) will reflect a 0 score as of October 7th, this may change your overall grade. Please complete all missing assignments ASAP.

Happy Homecoming Weekend- Enjoy!

September 23rd – 27th

Students will create illusion using  basic perspective rules; often times artists create illusion without using vanishing points. Students will explore and practice these simple techniques. Also, they will be introduced to the medium watercolor.

September 16th – 20th

Students will be applying linear one point-perspective skills to a room design. This week they step inside of a cube and use the cubes as a starting point for drawing objects within the room(A large cube).

September 9th – 13th: First Full Week of the Year

Students will be learning about the effects eye level has on drawing objects; they will begin to consider front views vs. side views when drawing from 3-dimensional  objects. They will practice drawing cubes from multiple angles so that they can develop drawing illusion skills when working on 2-D surfaces.

September 3rd – 6th: Thursday 8/5 is Open House 

Looking forward to meeting you at open house! I will be floating between two rooms, L-1 and L-5, look for the posted signs in L Hall. Intro to 2D Design students will be contemplating 2D vs. 3D and will practice drawing an illusion from the direct observation of a pumpkin.

Welcome to 2-D Design! (No school Friday)August 26-29th:

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! This week we will have introductions, review the new phone policy, assign storage, discuss safety procedures, expectations, 2-D art work and more. Students, parents and guardians are encouraged to follow the tabs Behavioral Expectations and Course Offerings to locate class descriptions and link to Course Syllabi. Please note that for each art course offering a $5.00 fee is expected to be paid during the first 10 days of school.

Let’s make it a GREAT Semester!

January 14-18th: Two days until finals!

Students will have a 2 part final exam consisting of a written test and a performance test. Part 1 of the exam for 2-D design: each student has been given a review sheet which can be used on the exam if it is written in their own handwriting; Part 2: each student will produce a portrait drawing of a peer.

January 8-11th:   It’s our last full week together…finishing strong is the motto!

Students will learn about proportions used when drawing portraits and practice drawing individual features.

December 10th-15th:

Students will finish up landscape paintings and begin to learn about contour line drawing.  They will engage in drawing exercises found in Betty Edwards’ book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

December 3rd-7th:

Students will lightly sketch landscape ideas onto their previously made best sky painting. Next they will gradually increase the intensity and opacity of the pigment in the foreground area as they develop their landscape painting.

November 26th &-30th:

Students will prepare for landscape painting; they will paint daytime skies with diffused color palettes, and plan out compositions.

November 19th &-20th:  *The 26th Empty Bowls event is happening at Park Place on Monday 11- 19; All are Welcome! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Students will be further developing their color wheels, mixing all secondary and intermediate colors.

November 12-16th:  (11-16 marks the end for card marking 2 – all  make-up & resubmitted work must be in by Wed. for it to be guaranteed on card marking 2 )

We will begin to take on the art element color; first by recalling and recognizing it’s purposeful uses and gradually building towards manipulating it purposefully within art works.

November 5-9th:  (No School for Students Tuesday 11-6)

We will reflect on successes within the completed summative assignment and begin to take on the art element color.

October 29- November 3rd:

This week it’s all about showing off all the newly gained skills that have been such a challenge over the past few weeks and student choice. Each student has 5 days to create a final summative work of art that expresses their own personal statement and demonstrate a version of perspective.

October 22- 26th:

We will be looking at objects from the side this week; two point perspective is the main topic. The pace will pick up now that the students are familiar with the vocabulary of perspective.

October 15- 19th:

This week we worked on designing an interior space using one point perspective.  The challenge was to create the illusion of a room containing 4-5 items-such as a doorway, window, sofa etc.

October 8- 12th:

This week we will transition from basic perspective into linear one point perspective drawing. We will learn how to draw a simple shape in relation to eye level.

October 1- 5th:

This week  we will be making “Mini” Masterpieces; students will experience watercolor painting combined with ink drawing, mixed media art works. The focus of the ink drawing will be based on the rules of basic perspective.

September 24-28th:

We will be completing our first value drawing this week. Also, we will explore how value impacts color…a ton of fun!

September 10-14th:

The assembly of base sketchbooks will be completed this week :). Also this week we will be starting the art element “Value”. Students will engage in exercises aimed at developing their ability to produce a range of value/tone in drawing.

September 4-7th:

This week all students will participate in a collaborative installation art project, unifying all art students (this semester) and encouraging each artist to leave a mark!

Looking forward to meeting parents at our open house this week – on Thursday evening – See you there :).

Also, we are continuing to make custom pages for drawing and painting on and will begin assemble them for sketchbook purposes.

Welcome to 2-D Design! August 27-30th:

Welcome to the 2018-19 school year! This week we will have introductions and explore drawing and painting surfaces.