If you know anyone looking to enroll their child into Kindergarten at Haigh for the 2021-2022 school year, please visit Mr. Short’s blog for information, or you may direct them to the link below! Please make note the 2nd to last slide is very important! Please make sure to fill out a time to register your child and fill out the parent survey! Thank you families for getting the word out to our community:)
You can now check out library books online and pick them up at Haigh! Pickup will be every Friday between 12:00-2:00. Books will be picked up at Door #4, please watch the video above for instructions!
The Elementary Report Cards for Marking Period 1 are currently being processed and will be available to parents in ParentConnect, Thursday November 5th, 2020. Following is some information on how parents can access report cards data in MIStar ParentConnect. Please note that if you have more than one child, you should be able to see data for all your children and you do not need separate logins for the different schools (if your children attend more than one school).
How do parents login to ParentConnect? To login to ParentConnect, parents need their PIN and password; this is how it is obtained: Parents go to the Dearborn Schools’ website (dearbornschools.org) and then the ParentConnect link. If they don’t know the login info, they click (Need Your Login Information) link and it will prompt them to enter their email address (as provided to the school and entered in MIStar), and then click Submit. This process emails them their PIN and Password. After logging in, click on “report card marks” module.
You should have received an email from me with your child’s learning lab schedule. These times/dates will remain the same until we make the transition to a hybrid model! These begin on Tuesday, October 13th!
The weekly lesson plan is live and ready to go in Schoology. As a reminder you can find the lesson plan and zoom link under the materials tab on Schoology.
We will not be live on Zoom this Tuesday or Thursday so that we are able to safely NWEA test our students in small groups. The activities for Tuesday and Thursday will be posted on the blog Monday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon for you to review. There will be a short video for your child to watch prior to the completion of the activities for the day.
If you did not sign up for a time to have your child take the NWEA test, please see the link below. If your child is not NWEA tested prior to learning labs, they will be missing out on important small group instruction and will have to complete the test instead of working with me and their classmates.
The homework for this week is from the SUCCEED math workbook. They will do the lesson in the homework book that matches our in class zoom lesson.
Monday- 21 & 23
Tuesday- 27
Friday- 39
For the time being, we are not going to collect the homework pages from the workbook and are going to continue viewing their classwork over zoom. We are coming up with a more permanent plan that is suitable for Kindergarten students and will keep you posted. Learning labs are going to be essential for us as teachers to monitor and track the progress of our students.
When they come in to take their NWEA test they will be given their log in information for raz-kids, reading eggs, and math seeds. These programs will be great for students to use during asynchronous learning time. Once you show them how to log in a few times, they will be able to work for about 15-20 minutes on their own. You will be amazed at what they are able to do independently with just a little bit of practice 🙂 Here is a brief video explaining the programs for you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EWdbTEP9hlisZgG6B8fMci_pIFJbUDI0/view?usp=sharing
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help!
I am all so impressed with how well the students did on our first zoom meeting! One teacher takeaway I learned today was, I think it would be best for the students to have a “brain break box” ready to go and near their work space! The purpose of this box is to provide your child with some activities they can work on when they finish their independent work early or when we take breaks. This box is only used under teacher direction and will not be used during teacher instruction. We want to keep them engaged and attentive during zoom lessons. Below is a picture of a sample box, these are items we would use in the classroom when they are finished with work early. Here are some items you could place in the box:
Handful of Legos
White board
Coloring book
Drawing paper
Books to read or do pictures walks
Please keep this ‘brain box’ in a safe place where your child can have quick access to it, but when put away, it will not be a distraction to their learning. If you could support me limiting the activities in the brain break box to quiet activities that will not distract other learners, I would greatly appreciate it.
I wanted to thank you again for your patience and support today as we navigated our first day of zoom. If you have any questions or would like to speak with me, please feel free to email me (or send a Schoology message) and we can set up an appointment to talk during office hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
Happy first day of school via ZOOM!! Everything is not going to be perfect today, please have patience and grace with yourself, your child, and me! If you cannot get on zoom or if there are technical issues, please do not worry, here are the tasks for today:
Letter A page in your binder
LEARN math workbook (labeled on top of workbook in black) page 5.
SUCCEED workbook (labeled on top of workbook in black) pages 3 & 5.
Star student poster 🙂
Everyday is a new day, we will get through this together! Do not stress, everything will be okay! If you lost power due to the storm, please just work on the 4 tasks listed above. Have a great week!
Here is the Kindergarten specials schedule for the next few weeks; these will be updated as staffing is adjusted. Please log into the specials course on Schoology to view the instructions, expectations, and assignments for each special class. We have included their emails if you have any questions. All Specials classes will take place daily from 12:25-1:20pm. All classes will take place through Schoology, so it’s important your child knows how to log into Schoology. Thank you!
Kindergarten Schedule
Monday- Art with Ms. Buenting buentir@dearbornschools.org
Tuesday-Technology TBD
Thursday- Music with Mr. Keramaris keramae@dearbornschools.org
The kindergarten team has been working hard all week to prepare everything we feel you will need to begin on zoom next week. Please look out for the following items on Thursday:
How to do video for Zoom and Schoology
Student friendly schedule that you can print off for you child to have ready Tuesday morning. The purpose of this schedule is to help provide structure for your child while they are participating in remote instruction.
Student friendly Zoom expectations handout will also be provided. Please review this with your child prior to our first zoom so they do not feel overwhelmed and are prepared.
Just a reminder the next few days, you can work through that binder at your own pace. We will begin the curriculum on Tuesday the 8th. Please email me with any questions you may have. We understand this is a lot, please try to take it one day at a time 🙂
We would just like to remind you that Schoology is not yet up and running so please check this blog for updates. We will be communicating through email until Schoology is up and running. I promise we will keep you in the loop and we will figure this out together. Just a reminder to sign up for a time to meet with me- please check your email for the link! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via email: chammol@dearbornschools.org