Classroom Syllabus
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Ankouni
Course Descriptions:
Student will explore and learn in a safe and educational environment. This year your children will be engaged in all subjects: Literacy, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The rigorous curriculum Lowrey School follows is aligned with the Common Core Strands and Standards. The curriculum adhered to by Dearborn Schools ensures high academic standards for all students. Our curriculum prepares students to become problem solvers as well as helps them to become life-long learners.
Class Expectations:
Students at Lowrey School are expected to:
- Be on time and prepared for the school day
- Be dressed appropriately
- Respect self and others
- Be responsible for their behavior and actions
- Obey all traffic, bus, school, and class rules
The class rules are as follows:
- Students will listen and follow directions.
- Students will be prepared to work.
- Students will treat everyone and their property with respect.
- Students will follow all school rules.
Student will be aware of the consequences when rules are broken. The consequences are as follows:
- Students markers will start on green
- Verbal reminder
- Student will move their marker to Stop and Think.
- Student will move their marker to Student and Teacher Plan
- Student will move their marker to Focus Card.
Parents will be notified when students are having difficulty following the Positive Behavior Plan.
Homework Policy:
Each Monday a skill packet will be assigned and due on Friday. Students will be required to read every day for 20/30 minutes and enter the book of choice in their reading log. Students may have assigned homework on Fridays occasionally, or may be instructed to complete unfinished class assignments. Each day students will write down given homework assignments in their planners that require your daily signature. When your child has completed all their work, please make sure you check it over. A red homework folder will be provided for each student within the class. Please make sure it is returned daily. Additionally, students will have a spelling test given every Friday. All homework must demonstrate that the student put in their best effort. Your cooperation regarding homework and tests will ensure your child succeeds in the third grade.
Grading Procedures:
Report cards will be sent home four times throughout the school year. I will be assessing each student’s academic and social growth by using the following key:
- 1= Exceeding Expectation
- 2= Meets Expectation
- 3= Progressing
- 4= Area of Concern
Entry and Dismissal
Please drop off and pick up students at door 17 in the back of the building. Each morning I lead your child into the building at 8:00 and dismiss the class at 3:00. It is important that you are present so that I can ensure your child is leaving with the parent or guardian of choice. Brief questions are allowed but please understand that I am responsible for the safety of the entire class, so keep in mind if there are any time consuming issues a meeting needs to be scheduled.
If for any reason you are picking up your child early, you must check in the office first. Please do not come to my classroom directly. This is school procedure and we are all required to follow these rules to provide safety for both the child and the teacher.
Birthday celebrations are reserved for the last 15 minutes of the day and only granted upon prior approval from the teacher. It is very important that you let me know in advance when you will be bringing in cupcakes or cookies so I may plan accordingly.
As soon as I get the specials schedule I will send it home. It is important that on gym days your child wear appropriate clothing and sneakers.
Class Supplies
The following supplies are always encouraged for your donation.
- 2 packs of #2 Pencils
- Five Spiral- one subject notebooks
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 1 pack of regular markers
- 1 pack of crayons
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- Four plastic pocket folders: red, blue, green, yellow.
- 2 packs of Paper
- erasers
- Red Pens
- Glue sticks
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Index Cards
- Clorox wipes (we use Clorox wipes throughout the year)
- 1 pack of Large zip lock bags
- 1 or more boxes of Tissue (we use tissues throughout the year)
- Antibacterial soap
- 1 hand Sanitizer
- 1 or more bags of candy
Thank you in advance for all your contributions!
It is very important that we work together to ensure that this school year is both positive and successful! I look forward to having your child in my classroom!
Mrs. Ankouni