Hi everyone,
Check In:
Just a few more weeks! As we head into the last part of our school year, I wanted to check in and congratulate you all on making it through middle school! I am so proud of each and everyone of you. You really made my first year of teaching one to remember. Thank you all for the very beautiful and sometimes wild moments we shared.
Missing Assignments:
If you want to pass my class you need to make sure you have completed MOST of the assignments posted since April 13. Go to student connect and check to see if you have any missing assignments. Use this time to complete any old work and ensure that you recieve passingcredit for the class. If you have lower than a 37% in the class you will not recieve credit for the cardmarking.
This is the grading scale I am following:
87.5% – 100% A
62.5% – 87% B
37.5% – 62% C
0% – 37% NO CREDIT
As always, if you have any questions or need me to clarify anything please email me and let me know.
Stay safe,
Ms. Anani