Weekly Assignment Schedule

Week 5/4 – 5/8

Date Agenda

Monday 5/4Recorded Session: What is causing Earth’s Climate to change?
Journal Question: How do questions help to identify and clarify evidence related to the causes of global climate change?
Tuesday 5/5IXL
Wednesday 5/6Recorded Session: Brainpop Video and Questions
Continue work on Brainpop Video and Questions
Exit Ticket
Friday 5/8Ms. Anani’s NEW Office Hours 11:30AM – 1:30PMI’m going to be online at this time and available for any one on one conversations or check ins. If you would like to talk to me about anything just email me and we can set up a meeting or phone call between 11:30am – 1:30PM.

Week 4/27 – 5/1

  1. Journal – What is global warming?
  2. What is climate? Questions
  3. Flocabulary – Carbon Free Energy
  4. Exit Ticket – google drawings

All work is due Sunday 5/3

Week of 4/20 – 4/24

Date Agenda

Monday 4/20All hours
Journal – What is causing Earth’s climate to change? 
Tuesday 4/211st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th HOURS 
Attend only 1 Google Hangout today. They both will contain the same information.

Google Meet A 10:00AM – 10:45AM
Google Meet B 1:15PM – 2:00PM

1. Hangout Norms
2. Introduction to new schedule
3. Review of last weeks Video Observation assignment.
Wednesday 4/22Continue work on assigned activities:
IXL: Weather and Climate (2 activities to complete)
Flocabulary: Complete reassigned/missing work
Thursday 4/23Q&A Google Hangout @ 10:00AM – 10:45AM
Attend this session if you feel that you may need a little extra help with any of the activities assigned

6th Hour Google Hangout @ 1:15PM – 2:00PM

*Exit ticket will be posted at 3:00PM today.
Friday 4/24Ms. Anani’s NEW Office Hours 9:00AM – 11:00AM I’m going to be online at this time and available for any one on one conversations or check ins. If you would like to talk to me about anything just email me and we can set up a google hangout or phone call between 9:00 am – 11:00 am.

Advisory Google Hangout @ 11:00AM – 11:30AM

6th Hour Q&A Google Hangout @ 2:30PM – 3:00PM


Week of 4/13 – 4/17

  1. Journal – What is Climate Change?
  2. Flocabulary – Climate and Climate Change
  3. Video Observations
  4. Exit Ticket

All work is due by Friday.

Week of: 3/23-3/27

DateAssignmentWebsiteDue Date
Monday – 3/23Flocabulary Assignment due
Earthquakes and Tsunamis Lesson – Nearpod
Google Classroom/Flocabulary
Google Classroom/Nearpod
Wed 3/25
Tuesday – 3/24Earthquakes and Tsunamis Lesson – NearpodGoogle Classroom/NearpodWed 3/25
Wednesday – 3/25Earthquakes and Tsunamis Lesson – Nearpod
Analyzing Natural Hazards -IXL
Google Classroom/Nearpod
Google Classroom/IXL
Fri 3/27
Thursday – 3/36Analyzing Natural Hazards – IXLGoogle Classroom/IXLFri 3/27
Friday – 3/27Analyzing Natural Hazards – IXLGoogle Classroom/IXLToday

Week of: 3/16-3/20

DateAssignmentWebsiteDue Date
Monday – 3/16Natural Hazard ProjectGoogle ClassroomWed 3/18 @ 8AM
Tuesday – 3/17Natural Hazard ProjectGoogle ClassroomWed 3/18 @ 8AM
Wednesday – 3/18Natural Hazard Project DUE @ 8 AMGoogle Classroom
Thursday – 3/19Hurricane ActivityFlocabularyMon 3/23
Friday – 3/20Hurricane ActivityFlocabularyMon 3/23

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