February 7

Complex text for all everyday

9 Complex Text Resources I’m Pretty Pumped About Right Now

By Dave Stuart Jr.

Recently, there’s been a trend in the messages I’ve received from the stellar stock of humanity known as you, the Teaching the Core readership (btw, if you ever need to contact me, just use this link — it goes straight to my inbox).

Here’s what I’ve been receiving: life-improving, useful resources for 1) finding complex texts for our students to read, and 2) teaching them how to read, write, and talk about them . . . more.

June 8

Conferring with students builds skill and confidence

Reading and writing conferences are incredibly important in building a student’s literacy identity. Conferences remove them from being just one of the “crowd” in the classroom. Students become the only one in the classroom and their individual needs are being met. “Getting at the Heart of Conferring” reinforces the ideas that many are already implementing. If you aren’t conferring with students, consider adding this very important formative assessment routine to your classroom practice next year.

Getting at the Heart of Conferring: Empowering Readers and Writers

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