Here’s what I’ve been receiving: life-improving, useful resources for 1) finding complex texts for our students to read, and 2) teaching them how to read, write, and talk about them . . . more.
Looking Forward
Getting Ready to Teach Next Year . . . this article sparks some thinking and discussion about things to think about as we begin planning for next year.
The district is open for questions
We are open to the public during the current shutdown please see contact information below:
General information: 313-827-3006 or
Social emotional hotline – 313-827-8500 or
Tech support – 313-827-8400
Human Resources & Student Services – 313-827-3068
Special Education – 313-827-7050
Bluford Books are free online
Bluford books provide high-interest reading with low reading levels for some of our more struggling readers. Bluford has given readers free access to their books until June 19th! This is an excellent opportunity for our students to choose independent reading books that are accessible.Here’s how to access them: (please share with students)
“Prior to today, a free two-week grace period applied to all new students in the Learning Center. Starting now, that grace period will extend through June 19th. If for whatever reason students are unable to get automatic access, you can manually enter this access code for them (or have us do it for you): 31GJ-A9G1-FF8E-NUV5The code gives students TOTAL ACCESS, which includes Vocabulary Plus, Ten Steps Plus, English Plus, and ebooks of the Townsend Library and the Bluford Series, along with numerous other features. All of this content is hosted in the Learning Center. You and your students will each need an account to get it. Get yours here.”
Another way to access books online. Goal 1200+!!!
Students can access over a million books through the end of June. It’s important to know the title of the book when searching. Remember, practice is how we will make gains toward our school goal of 1200+ by graduation! Happy Reading FHS!
Remote Registration for Dearborn Library Cards is Available
The Dearborn Public Library has set up a way for residents of Dearborn/Dearborn Heights to remotely register for temporary Dearborn Public Library cards. These cards will allow access to all Dearborn Public Library electronic materials. Instructions and highlights of available eResources is available through the following link:
Where can I get books to read while we are closed?
This question has been a popular one for the past few days. Please post these sites to your blogs.
Student can check out books from Dearborn’s Public Library system: They must have a library card. The library is working on a plan so that students may obtain a library card virtually. Stay tuned to the FHS blog for more infomation:
For free Kindle Books visit:
Both Overdrive and Hoopla can be downloaded to your phone or tablet: https://www.overdrivecom/ or
Open Book is another resource – sing in with your Google or Clever account:
Complex text for all everyday
9 Complex Text Resources I’m Pretty Pumped About Right Now
Rethinking how we teach writing
10 Teacher-Tested Strategies to Engage Reluctant Writers
By John Spencer
A few years ago, my son opened a Google Document and started typing. I asked him about it and his eyes lit up as he described the shared story he was writing with classmates. This was the first day of summer break but he was choosing to write for fun. It might not sound like much but it’s an example of the tiny miracles that happen in classrooms all the time. My son fell in love with writing in Ms. Reddiger’s class. He spent a whole year getting up early and finishing his chores fast so that he could write a blog post or do a story on Storybird. He viewed himself as an author because of his teacher. more
Reading with Purpose update
Hi Team!
During PD this week we explored our own reading processes in order to uncover ways that we might better apprentice our students in becoming expert readers of the content we are teaching. Based on the analysis of our own reading processes, I’ve updated the reading strategies list. Remember, this is not exhaustive. Share with us your expert ways of reading!
Common Lit Delivers
Common Lit is a resource of which some may not be aware. However, they offer a plethora of resources many with SAT-like questions aligned to the standards. Today, I received an email reminding me of this powerful resource so I wanted to pass it along to all of you. Resources are free! It evens tracks student data! Teachers can choose standards to assess and even level text.
The link below will take you to examples of texts that feature people who have changed the world; there’s much power in that!
Structured Conversations
For the LOVE of Teaching
We truly have the best job in the world! I want to thank you all for another amazing year at FHS and wish you a safe, relaxing summer! I leave you with this thought . . .
What are teachers saying about teaching infographic –
FHS Summer Reading Expectations
Like anything, the more you practice, the better you’ll be. This summer, grab a lemonade a good book and find some shade, a swimming pool or even a beach and read two good books! Below are the summer reading expectations for next year. SSR+ is part of our school culture so get a head start on next year!
Read Works Text Sets Don’t Disappoint
It’s often difficult to find text that pairs well with what we are teaching. Read Works comes through again with some excellent resources. It appears that the reading levels only go through 8th grade, but don’t be fooled. Many of the texts within the set go far beyond that, so be aware of the Lexile levels. There’s a great text set called “Profiles of People with Different Careers!”!q:/g:/t:0/f:0/pt:AAD/features:/
Track Individual Ideas to Analyze Their Influences (RL/RI 3)
Here is a tool to consider when having student analyze ideas across text sets.
Read the entire article, by Smekens, here: supports for ELL students
Did you hear the news? ReadWorks “Article of the Day” is providing supports for struggling readers including ELL and Special Education. They now have audio versions of the articles so students can “hear” the reading fluently as they follow along. There are also translated versions, but nothing in Arabic yet. Regardless of your students’ needs, ReadWorks provides us with more, leveled resources to support their needs.
Teaching outside the box
Here is an idea that brings the real world into the classroom to engage and excite students. Needless to say . . . I love it!
Teaching Lord of the Flies in a Completely Different Way
In this Education Week article, brothers Chip Heath (Stanford Graduate School of Business) and Dan Heath (Duke University CASE Center) say that “peak moments” in life that we remember forever – a wedding day, a successful public presentation, an award for exceptional accomplishment – share certain characteristics with peak moments in school – a swim meet, prom, senior musical performance, science fair, football game, debate tournament, choir concert. What are the common factors? “They’re all social,” say the Heaths, “often performed in front of an audience, and involve an element of competition or pressure. There’s a sense of pomp and circumstance about them – notice how often we actually wear distinctive clothes to them.” And with the school moments, almost none of them take place in classrooms, even though that’s where students spend virtually all of their time in school.
How can schools create more peak moments in classrooms? Here’s an example. In 1989, social studies teacher Greg Jouriles and English teacher Susan Bedford decided to teach Lord of the Flies a little differently at their California high school. One day during a routine discussion of the novel, a visitor strode into the classroom and distributed an official-looking document announcing that the book’s author, William Golding, had been charged with “libeling human nature.” Students were told that they would put Golding on the stand in a “Trial of Human Nature,” taking on the roles of lawyers, witnesses, and the judge. The trial would address fundamental questions of literature and history, including: Are people good or evil? Is civilization just a thin veneer over violent instincts?
For several months, students prepared for the trial, and when the day came, they dressed up in suits and costumes (Stalin, Gandhi, Atticus Finch, Harry Potter) and took a bus to an actual courtroom where a jury of administrators and alumni sat to render a verdict. The trial idea was so successful that it’s still being implemented in this high school every year, three decades later (in some years Golding is found guilty, in other years not guilty). “The day of the trial is a powerful peak moment,” say the Heaths: “a culmination of preparation and practice, delivered in front of an audience, with real stakes and immediate feedback. Every year, the student speaker at graduation mentions the trial. The prom? It’s mentioned sometimes.”
Could this kind of exhibition or performance task replace traditional final exams? That sounds crazy, but consider, say the Heaths, which “more closely resembles work in the real world: the intense collaboration of an exhibition requiring students to frame and deliver a project under deadline pressure so that an audience can view and critique it? Or an exam with 10 multiple-choice and three short-answer questions?” Worse still, consider the finding of a study at an elite private school showing that when students were asked to retake their June final exams three months later, their average grades fell from B+ to F. All the exam preparation these students had done simply evaporated over the summer. And consider an American Institutes of Research study showing that students who engaged in deeper learning reaped a number of benefits, including better collaboration skills, motivation, self-efficacy, and on-time graduation rates. This was true of all student subgroups.
“So how can we feel satisfied,” conclude the Heaths, “delivering the usual academic experience – one that students, on the whole, can barely remember?”
“Student Motivation” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath in Education Week 10 Big Ideas, January 10, 2018 (Vol. 37, #16, p. 4-5),
articles/2018/01/10/the- secret-to-student-engagement. html
All mistakes are not created equal . . .
As part of developing a growth mindset with students, it’s important that they understand that mistakes are essential. This article talks about the fact that all mistakes are not equal and the necessity in understanding the different types of mistakes we make as learners. I personally never thought about mistakes in this way.