Bell Work
Monday, January 25, 2021: Compare and contrast English Language Arts as taught in middle school from year to year.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021: How does nonfictional writing contrast with fictional?
Wednesday, January 27, 2021: What features distinguish nonfictional writing from fictional writing?
Thursday, January 28, 2021: Which parts of the article “Over the Top” did you pay most attention to? Why?
Friday, January 29, 2021: What could have killed or injured Carsten Peter as he photographed inside the Ambrym volcano?
Self-evaluation and Teacher Evaluation
1. How successful were you in English Language Arts in the second quarter?
2. How effective was your English Language Arts teacher in the second quarter?
The Tell-tale Heart/The Monkey’s Paw
- Which short story is more suspenseful?
- Which form of narration is more effective?
Lowrey Parent/Guardian Meeting
Lowrey Parent/Guardian Meeting, Friday, January 22, 2021 at 9:00am, Please join at the following link: The Lowrey Administrative Team will share important information regarding the school year and reminders about expectations |
Bell work
Tuesday, January 5: What techniques do you apply to make sense out of a difficult text?
Wednesday, January 6: Is Sergeant-Major Morris a responsible character?
Thursday, January 7: Would you make wishes on the monkey’s paw, knowing the condition the fakir put on the paw and knowing its history?
Friday, January 8: Why are the Whites not taking the monkey’s paw seriously?
Tuesday, January 12: Why do some people want to believe in the impossible?
Wednesday, January 13: What can be inferred from the behavior of the man from Maw and Meggins?
Thursday, January 14: Why did the Whites remain “in a state of expectation as though of something else to happen–something else which was to lighten this load” after their son had been killed?
Tuesday, January 19: Why does Mr. White ask, “Was not that enough?” when Mrs. White suggests making another wish on the monkey’s paw?
“The Monkey’s Paw” by W. W. Jacobs
Completion of the Twelve PSAT Preps
To get full credit for the completion of the twelve PSAT preps, you will need to submit two documents, each worth one hundred points. The first is the practice exercises for each PSAT prep. It will look like a series of completed practice sheets. The second is a summary of the first document. In a summary of each PSAT prep, you will do three things: 1. point out one rule or advice in the prep; 2. give an example of the rule or advice; and 3. explain how the rule or advice applies to the example.
For example, this is a possible summary for PSAT prep #12:
The relative pronoun who has three forms: who is used as the subjective; whom as the objective; whose as the possessive. For example, “I told Maria whose book was lost not to worry about replacing it.” Whose is the possessive form of who, meaning that the book belonged to Maria.
PSAT prep #12
The use of the relative pronoun who occurs often enough that it is worthwhile to focus on it a bit longer. More precisely, when do you use who, and when do you use whom?
PSAT prep 12
Who versus whom
Because most words in English do not change orthographically, that is their spelling does not change to indicate how they are being used (are they the subject or the object of a sentence?), the relative pronoun who poses a problem because who may demand a change in spelling that indicates its use. Therefore, use who when it is the doer of the action or the subject of the verb to be; use whom when it is the receiver of the action. For example, “Fatima is the girl who threw the ball”: who is the doer. “Ali is the boy who is sick”: who is the subject of is. “Mohammad is the student whom the principal praised for volunteering”: whom is the object of praised.
Now, your turn. Choose the correct form of the relative pronoun who and explain your choice.
- Students consider Hussein the class clown (who, whom) they turn to for a laugh.
- The coach chose Hanan, (who, whom) has not missed a practice, as captain of the basketball team.
- Teachers rely on students (who, whom) participate in class discussion.
- Students appreciate teachers (who, whom) they can come to for help
Now, compose two sentences with who and two with whom.