Fourth Grade letter

Dear 4th Grade Families, 

As you know, Dearborn Public Schools Remote Learning is in full motion.  Our goal is to provide continuous educational opportunities and practice for students while schools are closed but also to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for students, parents, and teachers.  

Please see the list of required academic items to complete: 

  • Weekly calendars with lessons will be shared on Sundays on Class Dojo Story/ teacher blog/ and on Google Classroom
  • Weekly check-list to keep track of learning 
  • Check in with Class Dojo daily for messages from teachers
  • Individual teachers will schedule required academic Google Meets, please check your teacher’s Class Dojo

Elementary Grading Criteria – COVID-19 School Shutdown

For the current marking period:

Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments. 

  • Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
    • Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded/recorded in MiStar
    • High participation
  • Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
  • Limited Participation:  with one of the following explanations
    • Rarely or did not submit work (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Rarely attended check-in sessions (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Family hardship during the time of instruction (summer support offered)

If you have any further questions, please message your teacher on Class Dojo.  We will do what we can to provide and support remote learning for our 4th graders.  The safety and well-being of our students is our number one priority.

  • The 4th Grade Team @ Maples

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

April 6th through April 10th is spring break for the Dearborn Public Schools. During this week students will not need to complete any on-line assignments and teachers will not be available. Students and teachers are on break starting Monday April 6th and continuing through Friday April 10.  

This is only for the week of April 6th through the 10th.   
Students will continue their distance learning on Monday, April 13, and teachers will once again be available to deliver on-line and distance learning. 
Once again, all on-line and distance learning will resume on April 13 and continue until the end of the school year.   

Please check google classroom for some fun activities you and your family can do next week. I have already put a couple on. I will add more as I find some.

Miss all of you very much,

Mrs. Washington

Week of March 29th, 2010

Good Morning everyone,
I hope you went outside over the weekend to get some fresh air. First I want to congratulate Noof for completing all of the 30 trophies in Exact Path!! Please remember to keep trying the assignments. I am keeping track. If you need help with anything, please let me know.
I miss all of you very much!!!!
Mrs. Washington

March 23rd, 2020

I am borrowing this from Mrs.Whitford.

Monday-super hero day
Tuesday-Silly hair day
Wednesday-dress like an old person
Thursday-sports jersey day
Friday-pajama day
I will be posting my spirit wear on class dojo, story or message.

Reply to my post with your own video and explain what your are wearing.😎

March 20th, 2020

First, I want to thank all the parents for either answering the phone call or connecting with me on Dojo yesterday. I enjoyed talking to the parents. This is all new for us. We need to keep working together to support our children.

As I stated yesterday, I will be checking daily on the progress of your child’s assignments. They need to be working everyday on these assignments.

As a reminder, they need do be doing the following activities:

Zearn-5 lessons a week, One writing a day, 9 exact path trophies a week, Read Theory every day, One article from Read works a week and brain pop.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you, Mrs. Washington

March 19th, 2020

Parents who borrowed a Chromebook from Maples:

If students have issues connecting their Chromebooks, please have them do this:

  1. Turn off the Chromebook (holding the power button is okay)
  2. Turn the Chromebook back on.
  3. Connect to your home WiFi.
  4. You should see a screen that says “Sign in to your Chromebook”. Leave the Chromebook on this screen for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Restart the Chromebook again.

Dearborn Schools offering free breakfast and lunch pickup for students at six sites

Dearborn Public Schools is offering free pickup lunch and breakfast for students while school is closed for the mandatory shut down over the next three weeks.

Families will be able to stop in and pick up a bag with both breakfast and lunch for each child in the family.  Pickups will run daily from 10 a.m. to noon starting tomorrow, March 17 at Fordson, Edsel Ford and Dearborn high schools, McCollough-Unis, Salina Intermediate, and Woodworth Middle School.

Signage at each site will direct parents and students where to enter the building. Food will be near entrances to minimize the amount of time community members spend in the facilities.

Please note, meals are available to anyone age 18 and younger.  Students do not need to be present, and the Dearborn School student does not need to attend at that building.  A designated person can collect meals for multiple children. Meals for Saturday and Sunday can be picked up on Friday.

The program will allow the District’s 20,700 students to continue to have access to healthy food.  Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last week ordered all Michigan schools closed from March 16 through April 3 to slow the spread of novel coronavirus and cases of COVID-19. Dearborn Schools is scheduled for spring break April 6 to 10, so school will not resume in the District until April 13.

The grab-and-go meals will be served at least through April 3. 

Superintendent Glenn Maleyko praised the District’s food service team for quickly implementing this drastic change in service to meet the needs of families.

“We appreciate the patience of our families and community as we all try to adjust to this sudden change from closing schools,” Dr. Maleyko said.  “More than three quarters of our students qualify for free or reduced priced school meals.  We realize this food is important to our families, many of whom may be facing additional financial hardships from the sudden economic changes related to COVID-19.”

Check the Dearborn Public Schools website at www.dearbornschools.orgfor any updates or changes to the meal program or for other issues regarding the school closure.


Social Distancing

What is “Social Distancing”?

The weather is finally turning to Spring. We know that is always a good sign and I am sure your child is ready to play outdoors. Plenty of time ahead to play with friends and kids in the neighborhood. However, in our nation wide attempt to stop the spread of Covid-19, here are a few tips to keep your children, family members, and members of your community safe and healthy until this is finally over.

The Department of Health is urging parents to keep children at home. Parents should try and avoid arranging playdates for groups of young children at this early stage of the outbreak. This includes parties, family gatherings outside of your own household, and even the playground. Covid-19 can remain on hard surfaces for 2-3 days. However, rather than staying indoors, consider outdoor activities in your own yard such as playing football in the open in small groups of 3 or 4 while maintaining social distancing of 6 feet. Facetime friends on your tablet. Get your homework done outside at a patio table. But please, try to avoid meeting up in large groups. While children may not have symptoms, they may carry the virus and spread it to other family members unknowingly. Social Distancing is why we are not in school for these 4 weeks. Please try not to be around too many people.

Please be safe. Wash your hands before eating, before you leave the restroom, and if you have to go out somewhere, wash your hands as soon as you get home. Plain old soap and water does the trick! Hand sanitizer works for when you need a quick cleaning, but soap and water work best. 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday in both English and Arabic!).
Seen by 18 parents