Mrs. VanAllen's Class Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

Message from the District


Please keep your kids at home. During the mandated shut down, all school playgrounds & athletic fields will be closed to the public.  If you are found on the property you will be asked to leave.  Please stay at home!  Do not visit friends and family!Stay healthy and stay safe!


Google Classroom post on 3/19/20

I would like to see you catching up on Zearn. If you’re not sure of a problem and it is making you stuck on the same lesson, then please Email me or send me a message on Remind. I will be checking daily to see the progress you’re making. Try to be done with Module 4 by this weekend so we can complete the Zearn lesson as we complete a Eureka lesson for Module 5.

Google Classroom Expectations 3/17/2020

Google Classroom message I posted to students this morning:

Please read this message as I will give directions based on what I am expecting using Google Classroom. When you have read this whole thing please comment ONLY ONCE saying “I have read this message”.  

For math, I will be expecting students to SHOW WORK. Do not just send me answers if you’re using your workbook and uploading a picture to me. I want you to follow the directions on the math assignments, just like we do in class. (Same goes for word problems: you all know I expect a written sentence for the answer.) If the directions say to convert a decimal to a fraction then that is what you do. Otherwise I will think you’re using a calculator. Thank you.

You complete an assignment ONE of three ways:
1) Open the assignment and convert it to a Google Doc and type in your answers (hopefully showing some work if it is a math assignment). The Google Doc does not look exactly like the PDF of the original assignment, but do your best to try to organize it so I can read it and understand your work. Then you MUST turn in the assignment or else I won’t have anything to grade.
2) Complete the assignment on paper. If this is a math assignment, then you will be using your workbooks (Learn and Succeed). If this is something else, like Reading or Science, then use a notebook or piece of paper to answer what you need. BUT you MUST take a picture of the completed assignment and send it to me! Please send it to me either on Remind or in an email at
3) Create your own Google Document or Slideshow on your Google Drive, but make sure you are signed in as a Dearborn student with your 8 digit google account (your 2000, not with a different google account. Send it to me in Email OR upload it to Google Classroom from your Google Drive.

If you have questions about something, I would like to make sure you have utilized ALL RESOURCES first. For math……you have the Homework Helper, the VIDEO I send for each lesson, AND ZEARN!!!!!! Please do not just give up and ask immediately for help. Use these resources first. If you can’t figure out a problem, but haven’t even TRIED to figure it out on paper using these three resources, then you are not trying hard enough. You can do it! I see what you’re all capable of doing in class. 

When you finish an assignment under the classwork tab, make sure you select “turn it in” so I see you have turned it in. If you have sent me a picture of the assignment, I want you to mention that in the private message portion of the assignment (down in the lower right-hand side), but also select “turn it in” on Google Classroom so I can see who has turned it in. I will try my best to get things graded in a timely manner. IF I CANNOT READ YOUR WRITING I WILL NOT GRADE IT. Please take your time as if we were all in class together.

If you STILL aren’t sure what to do for your assignments then please reread this message. Read it with an adult who can help you understand the expectations better. If students aren’t completing assignments in time, please contact me privately and we can figure something out, BUT please keep in mind that you would normally be in school from 8am to 3pm, and you should be doing classwork for a couple hours a day.

Thank you!
Mrs. VanAllen

Remote Learning: 5th grade 2020

Dear Parents,

Remind is tough to type out a list of directions. I don’t normally use iBlog because I use Remind, but here I can at least type a larger description of what to expect for remote learning while the school is closed.

I so far have only uploaded math assignments because I can access my Teacher Manual on my computer, and therefore copy the link or downloaded assignment to my Google Classroom. Today I will be putting up a weekly Reading Log that will be due every Sunday, and students are expected to read 30 minutes a day, include the page numbers read that day, find a vocabulary word that they’re unsure of with a definition, AND type a short summary of what they read. We already practiced this the last couple weeks of school. It will hold students accountable for what they are expected to do on their own.

Reading assignments need to be uploaded by me and I am still in the process of learning how to do this. I hope I can add at least something by the end of the day today (3/17/20). Please continue to contact me on Remind if you have questions because I have that directly on my phone and can see you messaging me right away. I will send Google Classroom updates on iBlog as well as messages from the district.

Thank you for being a supportive parent and for being PATIENT with me during this transition. We will get through it!!!!

Also, my due date is mid April, and my last day of school was supposed to be April 17. I will keep you all informed on what is happening/will happen with that. But for now, let’s not stress or worry. Thank you!!!!

Mrs. VanAllen

New Math Homework Book & Reading Bags

Hello parents!

We are beginning module 4 next week in math. Instead of the students ripping out pages from their new homework book, I will be sending the homework book home every day that we learn a new math lesson.  Please be aware that this book needs to return to school every day. When it goes home, the homework assignment will be written in the planner, and your child should know what homework lesson we did in class that day, so the homework aligns with the lesson. Math homework from our workbooks is always due the following day.

Please try to allow your student to complete as much of the homework on their own. If they aren’t sure of something, help a litte, then leave it blank and I can reteach it to them the next day.

Please continue ensuring your student is reading at home daily. Logging their daily reading in the log is very important. If you need a new comprehension question sheet please let me know. I can print these on colored cardstock and you can keep this at home.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs. VanAllen

Please read the “Read by 3rd Grade” Law Notice

The following message is from one of the district’s administrative officials. Please consider attending the meeting tomorrow at the Ten Eyck Building on Audette Street in Dearborn. The meeting goes from 4:00-5:30 pm
Based on Public Law 306 (October 2016), third grade students who are more than a year below grade level on the state ELA assessment are under consideration for retention in third grade.  Dearborn Public Schools staff in elementary schools have been systematically planning to ensure that teachers have the training to teach reading effectively and that students receive small group instruction based on their needs.  The current year second graders are the first group to potentially be impacted by the legislation.
You are invited to join the district task force to strengthen the planning process and to ensure that the community is informed and engaged in the success of every student.
If you would like to participate, please complete the survey.
Principals, please forward to your parents and your school community.
Teachers, please share the invitation with parents on your classroom blogs.
Thank you for helping to publicize the task force. As a community working together, we will ensure every student is successful.

Jill Chochol, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Student Achievement

Dearborn  Public Schools



Week of 12/3/18

Hello families!

This week in Daily 5 we are continuing to learn about plural nouns, cause and effect, fact and opinion, and prefixes and suffixes. PLEASE continue reading at home. Reading logs stay in the Reading Bag and are signed every night and returned back to school.  I stress to the students that they are responsible for reading everyday for 20 minutes.  This is a school-wide, and even district-wide, policy. Practicing reading our “warm reads” (books students have already read and know well) will help with fluency and comprehension.


In math this week, we will be continuing Module 3, and hopefully completing lessons 7, 8, 9, and 10. Please continue the nightly math homework that comes home from the lesson we completed that day in class. Math from the lessons is always due the following day.


In Science we will begin learning about solids, liquids, and gases, and relating that information to our bodies of water on Earth. Also, landforms will be a topic.

In Social Studies, we are finishing up communities, and will now be learning about maps. Reading maps and creating maps is on the agenda for the next three weeks.


****PLease make sure your student is wearing a heavy winter coat for outdoor recess. Hats and gloves and encouraged, too.  The weather is cold, but we will continue going outside for recess if the weather is decent.

Please continue reading and signing the planner every night! Important information is written in the planners and I would like parents to go over the planner nightly with their child.

Thank you!

Mrs. VanAllen

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