Remote Learning: 5th grade 2020
Dear Parents,
Remind is tough to type out a list of directions. I don’t normally use iBlog because I use Remind, but here I can at least type a larger description of what to expect for remote learning while the school is closed.
I so far have only uploaded math assignments because I can access my Teacher Manual on my computer, and therefore copy the link or downloaded assignment to my Google Classroom. Today I will be putting up a weekly Reading Log that will be due every Sunday, and students are expected to read 30 minutes a day, include the page numbers read that day, find a vocabulary word that they’re unsure of with a definition, AND type a short summary of what they read. We already practiced this the last couple weeks of school. It will hold students accountable for what they are expected to do on their own.
Reading assignments need to be uploaded by me and I am still in the process of learning how to do this. I hope I can add at least something by the end of the day today (3/17/20). Please continue to contact me on Remind if you have questions because I have that directly on my phone and can see you messaging me right away. I will send Google Classroom updates on iBlog as well as messages from the district.
Thank you for being a supportive parent and for being PATIENT with me during this transition. We will get through it!!!!
Also, my due date is mid April, and my last day of school was supposed to be April 17. I will keep you all informed on what is happening/will happen with that. But for now, let’s not stress or worry. Thank you!!!!
Mrs. VanAllen
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