Mrs. VanAllen's Class Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

Please read the “Read by 3rd Grade” Law Notice

The following message is from one of the district’s administrative officials. Please consider attending the meeting tomorrow at the Ten Eyck Building on Audette Street in Dearborn. The meeting goes from 4:00-5:30 pm
Based on Public Law 306 (October 2016), third grade students who are more than a year below grade level on the state ELA assessment are under consideration for retention in third grade.  Dearborn Public Schools staff in elementary schools have been systematically planning to ensure that teachers have the training to teach reading effectively and that students receive small group instruction based on their needs.  The current year second graders are the first group to potentially be impacted by the legislation.
You are invited to join the district task force to strengthen the planning process and to ensure that the community is informed and engaged in the success of every student.
If you would like to participate, please complete the survey.
Principals, please forward to your parents and your school community.
Teachers, please share the invitation with parents on your classroom blogs.
Thank you for helping to publicize the task force. As a community working together, we will ensure every student is successful.

Jill Chochol, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Student Achievement

Dearborn  Public Schools



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