End of the Year Parade!

Dear Snow Families,

On behalf of the Snow Team, we would like to wish every Snow family a safe and relaxing summer break.  We are so proud of how the whole Snow community came together during this difficult period to support our students. Each child is precious to us and we miss them dearly.  

Thursday, June 11 is the last ½ day of school for students.  The Snow staff would like to say goodbye to students for summer by standing along Culver Street at  11:00am on June 11.  Staff will be waving goodbye and sending their best wishes to all Snow students.  We are asking any family that chooses to participate to drive south down Culver at this time and wave to staff and honk their horns!  

As we receive information regarding the 2020-2021 school year, we will be sure to communicate through the district website and our Snow blog.  Have a wonderful break!

The Snow Team

Letter R

What is our letter of the week, you ask!? Well, let’s watch Ms. Bowdell’s favorite way to introduce letters (I just love the song! =] )

Letter R activities:

  • Encourage your child to try to make the letter R sound
  • Find things around the house that start with the letter R
  • Write the letter R a highlighter and then have your child trace over it with different colors.

The students love the Starfall letter activities:

Here are some fun letter R videos!