Parent Survey

We are asking for your input. Please take a few moments to take this important survey.

School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1

Arabic Version School Reopen Committee Dearborn Public Schools  Parent Survey:
استطلاع رأي أولياء أمور مدارس ديربورن الرسمية الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 1 حزيران \يونيو 2020بدأت الولاية و قطاعنا التعليمي المناقشة المعقدة والمفصلة حول إمكانية إعادة فتح المدارس للسنة الدراسية 2020-2021. يجري هذه المناقشات خبراء في التعليم والعمليات والصحة العامة والنقل والخدمات الغذائية والرياضة والعديد من المجالات الأخرى التي تعد جزءًا من عمل أيرقطاع مدرسي. يرجى العلم أن أي خطط وضعتها / تضعها مدارس ديربورن الرسمية ستحتاج إلى الالتزام بالتوجيهات والأوامر التنفيذية الصادرة عن الحاكمة.

لتبني هذه الخطط على مستوى القطاع نحن بحاجة إلى أرائكم القيمة. يرجى الرد على الاستطلاع بحلول 7 حزيران/ يونيو 2020.استطلاع أولياء الأمور الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 2020 

Gym Locker Clean Out

This is a request for us to open your Gym Locker and clean out your stuff and get them ready in bags.
If you do not respond to this by Wednesday May 27th, 2020, you will be unable to retrieve your items in a timely fashion. If you do not fill this out– your items will be discarded by June 12th. We will send another blog post about pick-up dates and times. Please make sure to sign-up for our school blog:

Online Physical Education

Just wanted to remind everyone that we will be continuing with the online physical education. I will be adding daily activities for students to participate in each week on our google classroom/blog. Students will be required to complete one assignment per week. 5 points per questions = 25 points per week. I hope that you will continue to be physically active and be conscious of your eating habits. Check my blog and google classroom for fun links, videos, and other information. If you have not done so already please sign up for your appropriate google classroom.

Google Classroom Codes

1st hr (7th Grade PE) (wdp33yx)

2nd hr (7th/8th Grade PE) (onzixe6)

4th hr (6th Grade PE) (v65xhz7)

5th hr (7th Grade PE) (snkzffx)

6th hr (8th Grade PE) (sjgvakx)

Week of 10/23-11/3

All of my classes will begin swimming Monday 10/23/17 thru 11/03/17.  If you are going to be excused from swimming you must have a note signed by your parents along with a phone number.  If you need to be excused from swimming for the entire two weeks you must have a doctor’s note.  Any questions or concerns contact Mr. Wetmore.

Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal


School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.”

If approved by the entire county, the 2 mil proposal will generate approximately $6.2 million from Dearborn but the District will receive $7.8 million in additional funding for our schools.  Money would go to local schools starting this year and the millage expires after six years.  Continue reading

Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal


School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.”

If approved by the entire county, the 2 mil proposal will generate approximately $6.2 million from Dearborn but the District will receive $7.8 million in additional funding for our schools.  Money would go to local schools starting this year and the millage expires after six years.  Continue reading

Notice for AOL Email Accounts

Dear Parents,

If you are an AOL email user, please be aware that you may not receive email notifications due to AOL policies. We are working to resolve this issue with AOL.

Thank you for your patience while we work with AOL to make sure you get classroom notifications from your teacher.


Technology Department