April 13, 2020
During last week’s Spring Break Governor Whitmer gave school districts in Michigan until April 28 to submit proposals to the State ( called a “Continuity of Learning Plan”) on how to determine how instruction will continue without face to face interaction due to school closings. Dearborn Public Schools Superintendent Maleyko has informed Parents, School Principals and teachers that he plans to submit our district’s proposal to the State of Michigan by the end of this week.
For my students in Into to Business and Personal Finance I will continue to provide direction for lessons on my blog and through Google Classroom.
Check the DHS and Dearborn Public Schools’ websites for announcements and updates regarding end of year conditions and requirements.
Continue to check the DHS and Dearborn Public Schools’ websites for information as we move forward.
April 13, 2020 Second iBlog post.
Into to Business and Personal Finance: Read Ch. 4, Section1 https://classroom.google.com/c/NTMzMDIxOTE0ODda