Today’s Assignments, 5/19/21

All students will report to our regular Zoom meeting today – refer to our class schedule on Schoology.

  1. All students must complete their BELLWORK/ATTENDANCE TASK by 9am in order to not be marked tardy/absent.
  2. REMEMBER: you have Computers at 11:30 AND Music at 1:15 today.
  3. Our ELA/MATH/SCIENCE work found in Schoology under 5/19 folder – THIS INCLUDES YOUR MATH & SCIENCE QUIZZES TODAY. Students will be rehearsing their presentation with their groups during ELA time. Attendance of all students is extremely important. Students will present their multi-media report Thursday.
  4. Esperanza Rising week 9&10 tasks are due 5/27 – You have almost two weeks to complete both tasks.
  5. There will be NO Google Slides to follow today – all assignment information will be reviewed in class, and is available on Schoology specifically. Follow due dates and times.

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