- Monday was Earth Day! We read a book about how we can care for our planet and the children made a marble painted Earth and chose one thing they can do to help. Our projects are hanging outside our classroom in the hall
- We read many books including “10 Little Bluebirds” “There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog” and “We’re Going on a Lion Hunt”
- Ms. Staci and Mrs. Gallery came in for group therapy! We used tongs to pick up marshmallows and outlined the first letter of our names. The students worked on practicing making request for more
- The students worked on their subtraction skills with a game of bowling! We counted all 10 pins as we set them up, counted how many we knocked over and then how many were left standing
- We worked on our fine motor skills with legos, puzzles, and by tracing a lady bug
- We enjoyed the beautiful weather by taking walks and playing on the playground
- On Friday our school celebrated Care to the Core Day. The students took turned going to the gym in groups to learn what its like to live with different disabilities. This was something the whole school participated in 🙂
- Zoo Field Trip – May 13th (permission slips due May 3rd)
- Late Start – May 15th
- City Beautiful Parade – May 16th
- No School – May 24th -27th
- Special Ed Field Day Field Trip – May 28th (permission slips will be sent home soon!)