- We reviewed core vocab words of the week was “on” and “in”
- We practiced using the word “on” and “in” in many ways. The children put on hats, put on puzzle pieces, put on their lunch shirts, put on their coats. We put pegs in jars, our hands in mittens, and our feet in shoes.
- We reviewed the letters we have learned so far A-O
- The students listened to an interactive story about clothes we wear in the winter and matched the picture to the pages then we used bingo markers to color in mittens
- We worked together to make a 5 senses counting book. We not only worked on counting and number recognition but identifying body parts and talking about what each part can do (ex: nose can smell). We also practiced gluing
- The children worked on their fine motor skills with several different tasks including fine motor jars, puzzles, and block stacking. We practiced tracing lines, first with Ms. Ashley’s help then on our own to make a snowman
- We worked on building stamina during read to self as well as book handling skills
- February 6th – Late Start
- February 14th – ½ day: Dismissal at 11:45
- February 15th– 18th – No School