Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend!
I will continue to post work every day to help you stay organized so you will finish everything by Friday. Let’s see how many Super-Duper Star Students we can have this week. 🙂
Morning Work – Complete page 131 today. Morning Work
iReady– Go on iReady for at least 15 minutes today. Begin with the two teacher assigned lessons in the blue boxes (blends and short vowels). You will earn raffle tickets for the chance to win prizes on all lessons you pass with at least 85%. Clever
Spelling – I assigned some fun games for you to play with your spelling words. You can pick which game you would like to play today. Spelling City. You will take your spelling test on on this website on Friday.
Spelling Words: back, duck, neck, sock, sick, check, does, fast, pull, found
Modified List: back, duck, neck, sock, fast
Writing – Opinion Writing: Which flavor of ice cream is the best? Include your opinion, 3 reasons for you opinion, and a conclusion. Add an illustration when you are finished writing.
Math – iReady Math At-Home Packet Complete the work on pages 16-19. You can print it or write the page number and answers in your journal. iReady Math Packet