Hand sanitizer and kleenex boxes needed!

Dear parents,

With the flu season in full effect the classroom is running low on hand sanitizer and kleenex boxes. If you could please consider donating one box of kleenex and one bottle of hand sanitizer that would be terrific! We are running very low on supplies and I would hate for any of the kids to get sick as a result of this. Thanks!

Mr. Hammoud

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Report Cards coming home today!

Dear parents,

Report cards are being sent home today along with I-ready test results. Please review them with your child and return the yellow envelope signed with your signature. We will also be continuing NWEA testing in Math on Monday so please make sure students get plenty of rest on Sunday night and have a nutritious breakfast for Monday’s testing.


Mr. Hammoud

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i-Ready Diagnostics Test

Dear Parents,

During this week (January 14th – 18th) our students will be taking an assessment on i-Ready that places them in the program based on the results of this test. If they do poorly on the assessment, they will be placed at a lower grade level. Please speak with your children regarding taking their time and doing their best on this test. They NEED to be getting a good nights rest and eating a nutritious  breakfast daily!


Mr. Hammoud