Chromebook Pickup Schedule

FINAL Chromebook distribution scheduled for TODAY according to the following schedule, be certain to respect the established schedule and distancing protocols. This will be the final day student Chromebooks will be distributed, no exceptions.

Kindergarten – 1st Grades: 12 – 1 P.M.

2nd – 3rd Grades: 1 – 2 P.M.

4th – 5th Grades: 2 – 3 P.M. 

Keep self and others SAFE by respecting the following guidelines during pickup:

1)    NO STUDENTS, Parents Only

2)    Parents will be admitted one person at a time to the front lobby and required to wear a mask or face covering.

3)    Follow proper distancing protocol, cones will be set up outside, keep a minimum of 6 feet apart and avoid congregating. 

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