June 14, 2019

Dear Snow Families,

This year has flown by so quickly!

Our staff, our students, our PTA and our parent community have been so helpful.  We are so very proud of our school and have truly enjoyed the partnership and positive collaboration.

Each child is precious and each face is loved and cared for by all of us.  When your child succeeds, we are so thrilled, and when he/she struggles, we work together as a team to improve the situation.

We have done our best to make this year a year of growth, higher achievement and a safe and happy environment for all.  Teachers are working to increase the rigor in instruction while differentiating for students as needed, we have implemented PlayWorks to develop sportsmanship and social skills and we have started Unified to support inclusion and leadership. We are happy to report that our hard work has paid off!  Our Snow Overall School Index Score as reported by the state of Michigan has climbed from 72.58 to 92.63!  Snow is soaring!

To help our students continue to make progress and avoid summer loss, we are asking all Snow students to read over the summer and practice math. Our Snow Summer Challenge is for every student to do iReady for an hour per week and Zearn for one hour per week as well.  Instructions will be sent home today.

Again, on behalf of the Snow Staff, we want to express our appreciation for your efforts to support our initiatives.  We look forward to seeing you all next fall to begin another successful school year together.

We wish you all a wonderful summer, and we hope that you will always encourage your children to practice the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Leadership- always!




Amal Alcodray, Principal

Snow Staff

Thank you,
Amal Alcodray
Snow School

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