June 5: Last Day to Turn in Projects
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this time! As the school year is winding down I am preparing to enter report card grades for students. As you know the grading will look a little different with this final report card. Art will be based on participation only. This week will be the final assignments for the school year for art to allow grading time. I will be grading any late assignments so if your student is behind they can still turn in work! All of my assignments have been posted on my blog and are labeled by grade level. I will have a final due date of June 5th for any assignments! You can email them to me at any time with your students’ name or send them through Class Dojo. My email is posted below! I hope to see everyone soon!
Ms. Dudek
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
5/28 Kindergarten-2nd grade Found Object Drawing Assignment
Watch the video and follow the steps below!
- Find a few objects around the house! Try to imagine the objects in different ways. What do these objects make you think about?
- Create a drawing incorporating that object! It can be something obvious like a spoon with a drawing of ice cream or it can be more creative like turning scissors into a fish!
- Make sure you send me a photo of your drawing!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
5/26 3rd-5th Grade Mandala Assignment
What is a Mandala? The word Mandala literally means circle! a Mandala is a circular design that shows radial symmetry (its the same going all the way around!) using shapes and lines. Watch the video and follow the steps below to create your own mandala! Yours should look different than mine! No paper? No problem! You can use a paper plate to create a really cool design! You can even use chalk on your sidewalk! Don’t forget to send me a picture!
Step 1: Using a plate, lid, or something circular, trace a circle in the middle of your paper

Step 2: Use other circular objects to trace smaller circles inside your large circle! These are called concentric circles! I used cups to create mine!

Step 3: Use a Ruler or straight edge to draw lines going through the center of your circles! I drew 4 lines crossing through the center but you can add more if you want!

Step 4: Use other small objects to trace or create your own lines to make your design! Remember, your design should be repeated all the way around your circle!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with 4 comments.
5/21 Kindergarten-2nd Grade Drawing With Shapes!
Choose one of the videos to following along to learn how to draw with shapes! Add a background or some color to make a super cool drawing! Make sure to send me the picture either through email, Dojo, or Google Classroom! I can’t wait to see!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
5/19 3rd- 5th Grade Origami Assignment
Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper!
Directions: The links below are tutorials on different origami folds! Choose one video and follow along! Submit a photo of your origami to me either through Dojo, email or Google Classroom!
Make sure you pay attention to the shape of the paper before the folding begins! Most origami starts with a square sheet of paper but they make ask you to cut or tear the sheet before you fold! It is best to use a thinner paper like computer paper or notebook paper. You can also use wrapping paper or newspaper cut into a square to get some cool patterns or designs!
The videos below go from easiest to hardest. Have fun!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
4/14 K-2nd Grade Mosaic Assignment
Directions: 1. Watch the video below
2. Draw your favorite fruit BIG on a paper
3. Find old junk mail, magazines, etc. Look for the colors you need for your fruit and rip them into small pieces (about 1 inch pieces)
4. Glue the pieces in your fruit drawing.
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
5/12 3-5th Grade Optical Illusion Assignment
Watch the Video below!
DIRECTIONS: First draw a simple line drawing! something organic (or with curves) is best! Then follow the steps in the video to make it look 3D. You do not have to color it in to get credit but it will look more realistic if you do!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
5/7 K-2nd Grade Environmental Art Assignment
Watch the video below then go in your yard or on a nature walk and find things that you can use to create an environmental art work! Take a picture then send it to me! Have Fun!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
5/5 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Assignment
Watch the video in the link then pick ONE of the following to turn in. Please be sure to attach the picture when you submit the assignment or email the picture to me:
-Use objects to create a face like I did in the video. Take a picture to turn in to me.
-Find 2 Things around your home that already look like a face. Take a picture of both to turn in to me.
– Draw (or paint) objects in a way that makes us think you drew a face (like the artists in the video). Take a picture to turn in to me.
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
4/30 Kindergarten-2nd Grade Assignment
Click the link below to start the assignment, you can upload your work right to the form or you can email me a picture of the work. Please submit the form only once.
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.