Celebrating CTE Month!
It’s been an exciting week here at MBCC. Displaying your work has been an honor and I’m so proud to see other students, teachers, and administration here to see it!
A.M. class – All students are evaluated and checked off on all vitals. You can now take a patient’s temperature, pulse, respiration count, and blood pressure. How exciting!!! We will practice it multiple times throughout the year to keep you confident. CPR class will begin soon with Ms. Saad and we will continue to talk about different cultures, healthcare, and religious differences in my class. A project will be assigned on Monday 🙂
P.M. class – We have begin our chapter on vitals and will continue work on temperature on Monday after your CPR test. After Monday I am confident the entire class will be certified in CPR skills. Thank you for behaving and being attentive as our guest instructed you.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend and think of something you are thankful for.
<3 Ms. Dobert