Reviewing the week…

Posted by Denise Dobert on September 23, 2016 in Allied Health |

Firstly, I hope everyone has a great and restful weekend.  You all deserve it 🙂 Secondly, get your professional interviews done and ready to turn it at the start of class on Monday.  Please please make sure you follow the given rubric and check things off as you go so you don’t miss anything.  We […]


Reviewing the week…

Posted by Denise Dobert on September 23, 2016 in Advanced Allied Health |

Firstly, I hope you have a great and restful weekend! It’s been a long week and you deserve it 🙂 Secondly, for next week: 1. Please remember your lab coats on Monday, which will be washed and ironed.  We will be doing a vitals lab on Monday with the special education kids across the hall. […]


Happy Friday!!!

Posted by Denise Dobert on September 16, 2016 in Advanced Allied Health |

I think we are all happy we are officially under way with the school year and the weekend is finally here! I am so excited to continue preperations for your clinical experience and review how to take vitals.  You are all doing so well and I want you to be as comfortable as possible before […]


Happy Friday!!!

Posted by Denise Dobert on September 16, 2016 in Allied Health |

I think we are all glad the weekend is here! It has been a long/short week but I am happy to say we are offically under way and your classes are done changing! We began our first chapter and have started studying different health careers. Over the weekend begin to think about a career you […]


Open House!!!

Posted by Denise Dobert on September 13, 2016 in Advanced Allied Health, Allied Health |

Hey everybody we are done with our “Tuesday that feels like a Monday” 🙂 Just a reminder we have open house tomorrow evening from 6-730. Please bring your parents so I can meet them and show off my room! I look forward to seeing you all here! Ms. Dobert



Posted by Denise Dobert on September 6, 2016 in Advanced Allied Health, Allied Health |

Hi everybody and welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful first day and I look forward to meeting you, or seeing you again, tomorrow. We will beginning the day in the lecture hall with all CTE students then break to our classroom.  I will be introduing myself, showing off my 3 boys to you […]

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