Take a look at this great STEM opportunity

Future Goals – Hockey Scholar uses sports to bring life to science, math and engineering concepts. Through 12 inquiry-based lessons, students explore topics such as phases of matter, forces and motion, and body systems. Here are three examples of Hockey Scholar lessons you can use in your classroom:

Cardboard Challenge: Cain’s Arcade

This is an accessible entry point with video and a non-profit organization that has inspired over 800,000 students to create and design. The video of this young man’s creative endeavor will warm your heart and spark lots of ideas. https://cainesarcade.com/cardboardchallenge/

Design Challenges

This is a quick and easy design challenge that does not require a lot of expensive or specialized materials. https://cdn.cooperhewitt.org/2011/09/02/Ready%20Set%20Design%20vX.pdf  

Friends of the Rouge Artwork Contest

Friends of the Rouge is sponsoring and artwork contest, where students would design a trading card based on the question, “What’s in your watershed?”  Click on the link below for more information! REP Artwork Contest

Edcamp Schoolcraft

Check out this link for more information on Schoolcraft’s Edcamp 2019.  It is Saturday, February 9th from 8:00 am until 3:30 pm and it’s FREE!  There are already about 75 people registered! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/edcamp-schoolcraft-2019-tickets-51516820196