- 1) Read the listed SAT and ACT article above.
- 2) As you are reading, you are to list the following in a google document:
- a) a question about the text
- b) connection
- c) a word that you do not know
- d) Answer to the following questions :
- 1) What is the claim?
- 2) What is one piece of evidence to support that claim?
- 3) What is the reasoning for that evidence?
- ***Once you have completed this in a google document, copy it, paste it, and post it. Don’t forget to include your full name, hour, and school e-mail.)
- 3) Once others have posted their responses, your job is to then comment on at least three of your classmates’ posts.
- ***This assignment is due by Monday ( December 23rd.)
post by
Snezana Blazeski |
a) Question: Why would colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT?
b)New Words:
c) Connection: I strongly agree with Perez because he stated that the prep material is tied to family income, and I have a cousin that goes to the University of Michigan, and her family pays a lot for the textbooks and many other items to prepare for the SAT and ACT
d) CER Answer Question:
Claim: Colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT because it is too expensive to study for, they only show low and high scores, and it doesn’t contribute to being fair to the students in the college.
Evidence: In the article, “Drop the SAT and ACT as a Requirement for Admission, Top UC Officials Say”, Christ states, “They really contribute to the inequities of our system.” In this other piece of evidence, Michael Brown explains, “I am not opposed to all standardized tests, but I am objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
Reasoning: The reason why colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT is because they are unfair to some of the systems that the colleges hold, the students only know their score on those tests and not the progress they have made. Lastly, when students don’t know what progress they have made, then, they will never know what topic they need to mainly focus on. This is why the colleges agree on removing the SAT and ACT from the requirements of admission.
Youssef Mustful sat stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test and act stands for American College Testing
yousef diversity means a range of different things
rana the word Skepticism means
doubt as to the truth of something.
Question: why is it important?
New word :prep materials,
Connection:my sister does the sat and act
Answer the question
Claim: SAT and ACT should not be a college requirement
Evidence:She said Smith was able to make quality admissions decisions using high school records alone. “That is a much better predictor of success than are test scores,” she told The Times after her remarks.
Reasoning:this is the reason why they should drop the act and sat
ACT and SAT Article
Question: What does ACT and SAT stand for?
New word: What does Preliminary mean
Connection: I’m scared to take the ACT because everyone is saying its hard.
Answer the question : The sat and the cat should be dropped as an academic requirement.
Claim: I believe we should drop the ACT and SAT to apply to colleges.
Evidence: “When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students.” (pg2)
Reasoning: :My evidence is connected to my claim in the way that the Act and Sat don’t tell you whether that person is qualified to go to college or not .Also, If someone didn’t feel good when he was doing the test and didn’t get to do his best does that mean he is not qualified to apple.
Hamzah Alozair
7th hour
ACT and SAT Article
A: Question: What is the ACT and SAT?
B: New Word: inequities
C: Connection: My older cousin took the SAT
D: Answer the question: The SAT has a reading test that takes 65 minutes, a 35-minute writing and language test and an 80-minute math section. The ACT is comprised of a 35-minute reading test, 45-minute English test, 60-minute math section and 35-minute science test.
-Claim: Colleges should drop the SAT and ACT test.
-Evidence: Christ says “They really contribute to the inequities of our system.” In this other piece of evidence, Michael Brown explains, “I am not opposed to all standardized tests, but I am objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
-Reasoning: The reason why colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT is because they are unfair to some of the systems that the colleges hold, the students only know their score on those tests and not the progress they have made. When students don’t know what progress they have made, then, they will never know what topic they need to mainly focus on. This is why the colleges agree on removing the SAT and ACT from the requirements of admission.
What is the purpose of the ACTs?
I have to take the PSATs at the end of the year.
Words I don’t know:
One word I don’t know is preliminary.
What is your claim?:
College’s should not be using the SATs and ACTs as a requirement for admission.
What is one piece of evidence to backup your claim:
The evidence proving the claim is that the results of all standardized tests compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. “Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
What is your reasoning to back up your evidence:
My reasoning to prove my evidence is that most results actually designed to compare other students scores, instead of basing the scores on effort and academic content. Therefore it could potentially lower a students chance of getting into a college based off one low score, opposed to actual academic content.
Hamzah Alozair
7th hour
ACT and SAT Article
A: Question: What is the ACT and SAT?
B: New Word: inequities
C: Connection: My older cousin took the SAT
D: Answer the question: The SAT has a reading test that takes 65 minutes, a 35-minute writing and language test and an 80-minute math section. The ACT is comprised of a 35-minute reading test, 45-minute English test, 60-minute math section and 35-minute science test.
-Claim: Colleges should drop the SAT and ACT test.
-Evidence: Christ says “They really contribute to the inequities of our system.” In this other piece of evidence, Michael Brown explains, “I am not opposed to all standardized tests, but I am objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
-Reasoning: The reason why colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT is because they are unfair to some of the systems that the colleges hold, the students only know their score on those tests and not the progress they have made. When students don’t know what progress they have made, then, they will never know what topic they need to mainly focus on. This is why the colleges agree on removing the SAT and ACT from the requirements of admission.
SAT and ACT Article
a)Question: Why do we have to take the ACT and SAT
b)New word: Socioeconomic, Discriminatory
c)Connection: My friends told me about it
-claim: Drop the SAT and ACT
-Evidence: When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in the quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT score rose because of those who did well-submitted scores while others did not.
-Reasoning: Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT
and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to
produce high and low scores
A) Why are these tests so important if the results are influenced on things that people might not have?
B) A connection would be that I don’t think SAT and ACT should matter this much.
C) New word: inequities
1) The claim is that they want to drop the SAT and ACT tests because they compare students against each other.
2) Evidence: “UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.”
3) The evidence shows that the test scores are influenced by things that they might not have. For example, their parents might not have had a good education and they might not have a good income. Also, it proves that if they had these things then they would easily pass.
Dana Saad
6th hour
A) Question:What’s the difference between the ACT and SAT?
B) New Word:A new word I found is forum
C) Connection:We were told about the SATs yesterday during an assembly
D) answer to the question being asked in part a, performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.’’
-Reasoning:This evidence shows that the students could easily do better than others if they have the money to afford any tutors. Income should not define someones ability on a test since different students hand more help to prepare for the SAT.
ACT and SAT Article
Question: Why do we need to take the SAT in the first place?
New word: Objected
Connection: I have heard of the SAT because my brother took it.
Answer the questions:
Claim: I think that universities should drop the ACT and SAT scores as an admissions requirement.
Evidence: In the article it says that Brown was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores.
Reasoning: My reasoning is that students can show their achievement in different ways. One way to demonstrate their achievement is how well they did in high school.
A)QUESTION: When was the SAT and the ACT created for school?
B)CONNECTION: Stout always talk about us going to do the SAT and how it would effect us.
C)NEW WORDS: burgeoning,Provos, Preliminary
D)1)CLAIM: The SAT is not that easy for a lot of people because a lot of students do not have the type of skill set to pass the SAT.
2)SUPPORT OF CLAIM: Their are a lot of low scores for the SAT test.
3) REASONING FOR EVIDENCE: The reasoning is for the low scores to make you want to work harder and improve your score.
Rana Nasser
7th hour
Question: Why do we have to do the SAT and ACT?
New word:
Connection: I can connect to this problem or event because there are always that test that you have to take which can be a difficult choice to make. Such as the PSAT that i will sooner or later will take.
Answer the question:
-Claim: Colleges should not stress over students taking the SAT and the ACT .
-Evidence: In the article, it says Standardized testing was the major topic of interest so not a lot of students will be able to take the test for the SAT and ACT. Some educators urged efforts to revive affirmative action, which was banned in California by Proposition 209 in 1996. They noted that efforts to admit more low-income and first-generation students had not fully succeeded in making sure college populations reflect the state’s diversity. Some of the UC system’s 26 voting regents have expressed deep skepticism or outright opposition to the continued use of the SAT and ACT, including Chairman John A. Pérez, Vice Chairwoman Cecilia Estolano and Regent Eloy Ortiz Oakley.
-Reasoning: The reason why colleges want to drop the test SAT and ACT is because of race and it influenced family income not to mention parents’ education that using them was simply wrong. And in the article it says, “Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores” which I strongly agree with Mr. Brown.
I disagree, i feel like we should take the SAT and ACT in highschool.
a) Question:Why is the SAT and ACT stand for?
b)New words:forum
c)Connection: My sister is taking the SAT soon.
1) Claim: SAT and ACT should not be a college requirement.
2) Evidence: ’’ When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT score rose because those who did well submitted scores while others did not.’’
3)Reasoning: My reasoning that supports my evidence is that it doesn’t make sense that you have to take a required test in college when you could just take it in high school.
a)Question: What do SAT and ACT stand for?
b)New Words: forum, burgeoning, skepticism
c)Connection: We talked about some of these tests at the assembly.
d)Answer the Question:
Claim- The SAT and ACT should be dropped.
Evidence- “Provost Brown, for instance, said the failure of some California high schools to offer the full slate of courses required for UC admission was a bigger barrier to entry for underserved than the SAT and ACT.”
Reasoning- This evidence shows that if a student fails one of these tests, higher income students will be able to pay for private helpers as the lower income students can’t.
SAT and ACT article
Question: What does ACT stand?
Connection: We are going to be doing the SAT.
Word I don’t Know: forum
Answer the following questions:
What is the claim? SAT and CAT shouldn’t be a college requirement.
What is one piece of evidence to support that claim?
“When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT score rose because those who did well submitted scores while others did not.”
What is one reason for your evidence?
The reason why colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT is because they are unfair to some of the systems that the colleges hold, the students only know their score on those tests and not the progress they have made. Also, the SAT and ACT are put students under a lot of stress.
Tasneem alkablany
5th hour
questions :Why do they use the SATs and ACTs to decide whether or not you get into college?
new words:Burgeoning
connection:my brother used to take the SATs
Answer the question:
-claim: The SAT and ACT need to be dropped as educational requirements.
-evidence:There are educational officials that say that they need to drop the SAT and ACT as an admission requirement due to the fact they are saying that the checks are an “unfair barrier” to college entry for underserved students. Also, Michael Brown, the UC Provost of UOC, said that the consequences examine one pupil towards another because of the excessive and low scores.
reasoning:The evidence indicates that the SAT doesn’t even predict how well the pupil will do in school, that is the motive of the test. If the check doesn’t do what it’s meant to, then the results are meaningless and therefore should no longer have an effect on the chances of a scholar entering into a school.
I don’t think SAT and ACT fully decide if you go to college or not.
a. Question : Are California’s chief academic officers actually going to drop the SAT & ACT?
b. New Words : Forum, Socioeconomic, Equitable, Avail
c. Connection : I connect to the article, because we had an assembly on the SAT.
d. Answer Question :
Claim : SAT & ACT should be dropped for academic requirements.
Evidence : “… their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high/low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
Reasoning : The evidence shows, that instead of having test that compare students, there should be test that show how much you’ve learned at school.
Why should we drop the SAt and the ACT?
B).New words:
My sister took the ACT and the SAT last year.
D). Answer the question:
We should drop the SAT and the ACT because they don’t give us a study guide and we don’t know anything about the test and also students get more good grades when they study more than when they don’t study.
University of California’s chief academic officers say they support dropping the SAT and ACT as an admission requirement
The reason is that the SAT and the ACT doesn’t determine your grades or your smartness and for that reason if a smart student gets a low grade that will affect them and it will bring them down.
ACT and SAT Article
What’s the point of doing the SAT and ACT
New words
Holistic, preliminary,Socioeconomic , Burgeoning
My cousin did the SAT and ACT.
Answer the question
The SAT and ACT should be dropped.
On page 1 paragraph 2, it states that, “UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.”
This proves that not many students get to do the tests because they cant afford to pay for tutors and books that they fail. And while the others that can afford the stuff they get to prepare for the tests better. Income should not be something that lets students fail a test because they need more help than others.
Question about the text: Who found out that if a child’s parents are lower class, they have a lower chance of getting high text scores
Connection ; A connection I can make is between this article and the early college program
Words I didn’t know; a word that I didn’t know was underserved
What is the claim: the claim is that the sat and act tests should be dropped
Evidence : According to the text ‘’performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them’’
The act and sat test should be dropped because there is a lower chance of a child with lower income getting in.
Kayla Munlin
1st hour
2.A a question about the text
I want more explanation about ACT and SAT works
B connection
Kids who just came from arabic countries don’t know a lot about english
C a word that you do not know
What is diversity
D Answer to the following questions
1) What is the claim?
The sat and the act should be dropped as an academic requirement
2) What is one piece of evidence to support that claim?
UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’
3) What is the reasoning for that evidence?
My reasoning show that these tests doesn’t prove anything about the students. ACT and SAT are not important because people who just came from the middle east are smart but they need to learn the language and they can’t pass the test.
Mera Abusabha
6th hour
a) Question:Why would colleges want to drop the ACT and SAT?
b) New word: burgeoning
c) connection:This year were going to have to take the PSATS
d) Answer the question (claim,evidence,reasoning)
Claim:Colleges shouldn’t have to take the ACT and SAT,they should be dropped.
Evidence:Brown an academic officer says that colleges shouldn’t have to take the ACT and SAT “because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
Reasoning:Colleges shouldn’t have to take the ACT and SAT because students who get low scores on their ACT and SAT stops them from going to college and that student can be really smart but still cant go into college because of their low score. Students scores shouldn’t matter because those scores doesn’t really tell us how smart that person is.
Can we pick which one we gonna take instead of both? Why do you have to take both of them?
B)New Words:
2 weeks ago Ms.Zoratti told us that on the PSAT we have to take the questions are timed.
D)Answer the Question:
Clam: The SAT and the ACT shouldn’t be required for students to take.
Evidence: “The initial information that I’ve seen shows that the highest predictive value of a SAT isn’t in how well a student will do in school, but how well they were able to avail themselves of prep material,”pg 2. The SAT to some students is a competition to see who can get a better score.
Reasoning: The SAT and the ACT shouldn’t be required for students to take.Students should be taking tests based on the content of occupation the student would have in the future. She also said that the average SAT score raised in the number of people passing.
Question: Why is SAT and ACT important?
New words:
-My big brother studied SAT.
Answer the question:
-Claim:SAT and ACT are important because SAT and ACT were so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.
-Evidence:UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.
-Reasoning:“They really contribute to the inequities of our system,” Christ said at the Berkeley forum, sponsored by the Policy Analysis for California Education research center and the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education.
The SAT and ACT are important because they have a major influence whether you get into your dream college or not.
A)Question: Why would they think of dropping the SAT?
B)New Words:
1)Forum-a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
2)Convened- come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.
3)predictive-relating to or having the effect of predicting an event or result.
C)Connection:I also feel like the SAT makes students look different then each other and they should be able to test what they’ve learned over the past years of their education and everyone of them will have a different test because it’s about what they learned, not others.
D)Answer the question:Performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.Studies show that test-taking abilities don’t properly gauge a student’s ability to perform.Your high school grades are going to matter more so the students would probably care for their GPA instead of their SAT and ACT scores.
-Claim:Should they drop the SAT and ACT or should they not?
-Answer:I believe that they should drop the SAT and ACT because it doesn’t really show what the students can do.
-Evidence:Researchers say that most students who take the SAT think that this test is the most important thing to get us into a university. A high GPA paired with a low SAT score means a few things – most of them bad. So this means that if you get straight 4.0s through our high school that doesn’t necessarily mean your going to a great college.Right when you take the SAT test or ACT test if you don’t really try or you just try but that was a bad day it really matter because that carelessness or bad day can affect your future in education.
-Reasoning:This supports my claim because if you do the SAT your life depends on that score. That is totally not fair in anyway because you take the SAT test in high school what if you became smarter or you became a wealthy person? Knowing that the SAT didn’t affect you a lot even when you failed it would probably change your mind or thinking of the test. The parents mind of the SAT will probably go down by generations to their children then to their grandchildren. They all will probably think the same about the SAT score and choose not to care for any of it. They will think that if their parents did it they could but that doesn’t happen to everyone, not everyone is blessed with a great pay and job when they didn’t even go to college.
they think of dropping the Sat because it favors some students over others.
Hamzah Alozair
7th hour
I agree with you Omar, the ACT and SAT does not show what students can actually do.
Dania Mansour
2nd hour
Question: What made the colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT
New words: Forum, Asses
Connection: I would connect to this because this year I have to take the PSATS and in the future I’m gonna have to take the SATS and it’s a big test so it will effect me a lot.
Answer the question:
-claim: The reason that made the colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT is because it was putting families in dept, and they didn’t have the money to pay for it.
-evidence: In the text, the author claims. “on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.”
-Reasoning: This shows that the SAT and ACT are effecting parents without even giving the students a fair benefit. They either get a low or high score which isn’t fair in my opinion.
a) Question: If the ACT and SAT are dropped, would it change the chances of getting into a good college?
b) New Word: convened
c) Connection: When my uncle took the SAT, he got low scores. This affected him heavily when it came to applying for college. If the SAT is dropped, he can certainly get a good education.
d) Answer the question:
-Claim: Some colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT.
-Evidence: In the article, “Drop the SAT and ACT as a Requirement for Admission, Top UC Officials Say”, it is mentioned that some colleges have begun to think about dropping the SAT and ACT tests. According to the text, “UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.”
-Reasoning: SAT and ACT have taken a huge toll in the college acceptance area. These tests are associated with admissions to colleges due to their difficulty. However, some colleges have begun to point out that these tests bring more harm than gain. They only bring damage to some students’ lives. This is true because studying for these tests cost a great amount of money, and is surely harming their parents. Some have even gone into debt. When Smith College dropped these tests, not only did the applicant pool grow in size and diversity, but their average SAT score rose.
forum means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. its not asses its assess
Medina Abdulkarim
2nd Hour
a) Question: Why would colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT?
b)New Words:
c) Connection: I strongly agree with Perez because he stated that the prep material is tied to family income, and I have a cousin that goes to the University of Michigan, and her family pays a lot for the textbooks and many other items to prepare for the SAT and ACT
d) CER Answer Question:
Claim: Colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT because it is too expensive to study for, they only show low and high scores, and it doesn’t contribute to being fair to the students in the college.
Evidence: In the article, “Drop the SAT and ACT as a Requirement for Admission, Top UC Officials Say”, Christ states, “They really contribute to the inequities of our system.” In this other piece of evidence, Michael Brown explains, “I am not opposed to all standardized tests, but I am objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
Reasoning: The reason why colleges want to drop the SAT and ACT is because they are unfair to some of the systems that the colleges hold, the students only know their score on those tests and not the progress they have made. Lastly, when students don’t know what progress they have made, then, they will never know what topic they need to mainly focus on. This is why the colleges agree on removing the SAT and ACT from the requirements of admission.
assess mean evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
holistic means thinking about the big picture
Preliminary means to indicate an action/event preceding in preparation for something fuller/more important.
SAT and ACT Article
a)Question: What if some highschools didn’t do the SAT or ACT but a college only accepted people with SAT or ACT scores.
b) New words:
c) Connection: We had an assembly and they mentioned the SAT.
d) Answer the question:
-Claim: Colleges should not rely on the SAT and ACT to accept students.
-Evidence: Some researchers, such as Saul Geiser of UC Berkeley and Michal Kurlaender of UC Davis, support switching from the SAT and ACT to the Smarter Balanced tests as an admissions requirement because the latter test is equally predictive of college performance with far less discriminatory effect on disadvantaged students.
“The initial information that I’ve seen shows that the highest predictive value of a SAT isn’t in how well a student will do in school, but how well they were able to avail themselves of prep material,” Pérez recently told The Times. “And access to that prep material is still disproportionately tied to family income. So if you have material available but no pathway to avail yourself of it, that’s not particularly meaningful.”
-Reasoning: UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.
Right, it is wrong. I agree with you. Do you know what socioeconomic means?
Mera Abusabha
6th hour
preliminary means an action or event preceding or preparing for something.
Hassan I think it’s not fair either, this SAT test is selfish and unrealistic..
Loay, I have checked multiple websites and i said the same thing.
I agree with you Shawn this test does hurt people!
A) Question: Why do we need to take the SAT & ACT test?
B) New Word: predictor, insignificant, socioeconomic
C) Connection: My connection is how I am going to have to take the test in my high school years.
D) Answer the Question
-Claim: “The SAT and ACT are very ineffective resources to students.”
– Evidence: It states on several websites that the SAT and ACT test are designed to give students with high income higher scores and students with lower income lower scores.
-Reasoning: If we still keep taking this “Fraud” test than only the rich kids in the world will have a good education.
me too i think the rich kids in the world will have a good education because they can pay all the money for education and poor people can’t pay anything for education
I agree with you Abdullah how are we going to take the test in high school
) As your reading, you are to list the following in a google document:
A question about the text: Are they actually considering to remove SAT’s and ACT’s for a requirement?
Connection: A connection I have with the article is when I took a standardized test, I was very stressed for it.
A word that you do not now: discriminatory: making or showing an unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
Answer the following questions:
Claim: Universities may be dropping the SAT’s and ACT’s as a requirement.
Evidence to support the claim is that the article states, “Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores.” In other words the SAT’s to most students is as if it is a contest to see whom can get the best results. Therefore to students the test does not determine the college the student may, or may not get accepted into.
Reasoning: Universities may be dropping SATs and ACTs as a requirement. Students should be taking exams based on the content of occupation the student would have in the future. An example for that is if a student would like to be an orthodontist,that person should be taking exams based on anatomy, physiology and microbiology, etc.
ACT and SAT Article
a)Question: Is SAT and ACT important for us?
b)new word: Preliminary
c)connection: On Monday they were talking about SAT
d)Answer the question: Yes, because it helps us improve in getting better test scores.
-Claim: I think students should do SAT and ACT because it can help students learn more and get smarter.
-Evidence: In the article Brown says he prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.
-Reasoning: The evidence shows that students can improve much more in getting higher test scores instead of lower scores.
Yes, Jocelyn, the SAT and ACT are important for us.
Preliminary meansxdenoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
preliminary means an action or event preceding or preparing for something fuller or more important.
But SAT’s put students under alot of stress
Autumn Grantz
6th Hour
Question: Why do they use the SATs and ACTs to determine whether or not you get into college?
New Word: socioeconomic
Connection: we were told about the SATs and ACTs in an assembly the other day.
Answer The Question:
-claim: The SAT and ACT should be dropped as academic requirements.
-evidence: “The initial information that I’ve seen shows that the highest predictive value of an SAT isn’t in how well a student will do in school, but how well they were able to avail themselves of prep material,” Page 2 of article.
-reasoning: The evidence shows that the SAT doesn’t even predict how well the student will do in school, which is the purpose of the test. If the test doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then the results are meaningless and therefore should not affect the chances of a student getting into a school.
socioeconomic means the concerns with economic and social factors
socioeconomic means relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.
Socioeconomic means relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.
ACT and SAT Article
a)Question:can we take more than two tests????
b)new word:forum
c)connection: the university is reminding me when my friends brother graduated from it
d)Answer the question:
– claim: the ACT and SAT should be dropped
– Evidence: performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.’’
-Reasoning:This evidence shows that the students could easily do better than others if they have the money to afford any tutors. Income should not define someones ability on a test since different students hand more help to prepare for the SAT.
forum means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Forum means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Why do we have to take SAT and ACT?
New word
I am going to take the SAT and ACT’s
Answer the question
That SAT and ACT’s should be dropped
“Stances certain to fuel the growing national movement against the test as an unfair barrier to college entry for underserved students.
Some kids don’t have enough money to have proper classes to prepare for the SAT’s and ACT’s. This shows that it is not fair and the test should be dropped or equalize the standards.
I too think the SAT is unfair and think that they should drop it.
i agree because there are more poor people in the world than rich people
ACT and SAT Article
A)Question: How long is the test ?
B) New word: stances
C) Connection: My cousins tell me all about the SAT and the ACT.
D) Answer the question
– Claim: students should not take the ACT or the SAT.
-Evidence: Page 2 When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT.
-reasoning: the author is using this piece of evidence to show how much things have improved when the dropped the requirement of the SAT and ACT.
Me too my friends talk to me about the test
There are 52 questions on the SATs.
ACT and SAT Article
Question: What does the SAT and ACT stand for?
New Word: Preliminary
Connection: My mom told me about the SAT.
Answer the question:
Claim- There should not be an academic requirement for the SAT and ACT.
On page 2, it states, “When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT score rose because those who did well submitted scores while others did not”
Because Christ dropped the requirement, the applicant grew, but if she didn’t it would have stayed the same or maybe even decreased. She also said that the average SAT score raised in the number of people passing.
preliminary is denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
ACT and SAT Article
Question: Why did they change the names and what do they stand for?
New word: Provost is the word that I don’t know.
Connections: My siblings always used to complain about the SAT and how is is not necessary.
Answer the question:
– Claim: Should we continue using ACT and SAT to determine what college we should go to?
– Evidence: “SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family’s income, parents’ education and race.” Chancellor Calor and Michael Brown. “As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT score rose because those who did well submitted scores while others did not” (pages 1&2)
– Reasoning: The evidence states that those who have taken the test and did good submitted there scores and those who have failed and did not send there scores to the college they want to attend. The main point is that student can work hard on all their assignments and quiz but when they take the SAT or ACT and fail all their hard work was for nothing.That is why SAT and ACT should not determine what kind of future we will have.
a)Question- What Is the difference between ACT and SAT
b)New Word- Holistic
c)Connection- The nwea is like it but the SAT and ACT needs to be changed
d)Answer The Question
Claim-SAT and Act should be taken down
Evidence-“They really contribute to the inequities of our system,” Christ said at the Berkeley
forum, sponsored by the Policy Analysis for California Education research center and the UC
Berkeley Graduate School of Education.
Reasoning-Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT
and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to
produce high and low scores.
NWEA and SAT and ACT are not the same
Holistic is characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Hamzah Alozair
7th hour
I agree with you the test should be dropped
2) A. Question- Why is it so important that SAT and ACT are dropped from colleges?
B. New Words- equitable, affluent, formulaic
C. Connection- Sister is going to take ACT soon.
D. Answer the question:
Claim: I think that colleges are trying get ACT and SAT dropped as admission requirements.
Evidence: “Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
Reasoning: My evidence shows an example of one of the many people that do not like specifically the SAT and ACT, because of the fact that they compare students scores and base entry on that, instead of the knowledge of the material.
a)What is ACT?
b)We are taking the PSATs this school year.
c)What does the word inequities mean?
Claim- We should drop the SATs and ACTs as a college requirement.
Evidence- “University of California’s chief academic officers say they support dropping the SAT and ACT as an admission requirement — stances certain to fuel the growing national movement against the tests as an unfair barrier to college entry for underserved students.” says the article, “Drop the SAT and ACT as a requirement for Admission, Top UC Officials Say.
Reasoning- This evidence shows that the SATs and ACTs are unfair tests that should not determine your future nor your income just by the score of two tests.
ACT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States.
Inequalities is difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality.
A) Question: Are those colleges the only 2 colleges that support in dropping the SAT?
B) New Words: Admission, Provost, Standardized tests
C) Connection: My siblings hated the SAT and wanted to drop it but they weren’t able to
D) Answer the question:
-Claim: The author is trying to say that schools should drop the SAT and the ACT
There are academic officers that say that they want to drop the SAT and ACT as an admission requirement because they say that the tests are an “unfair barrier” to college entry for underserved students. Also, Michael Brown, the UC Provost of UOC, said that the results compare one student against another because of the high and low scores.
Reasoning: The ACT and SAT can stop someone from getting into a college and this person can be really smart but all because of the ACT and SAT, he can’t get into the college he wants because of a stupid score. Another thing is, fights can break out due to people comparing each other with ACT and SAT scores and it can get people really heated and sad. This stuff labels students and that is not good.
SAT/ACT article, Iblog Blazeski
A) Question:
Why do we have to take both tests? Can we only take one?
B) New Words:
– Latter
– Discriminatory
C) Connection:
I am familiar with the SAT, I’ve heard about it many times and will be taking it in my next school year.
D) Answer the question:
The SAT and ACT should be dropped as an academic requirement.
“When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students,” page 2 of Drop the SAT and ACT as a Requirement for Admission, Top UC Officials Say.
Reasoning: My evidence supports my claim because the SAT can hurt people so we would want to get rid of it. You should be viewed from your gpa scores, not one test.
The word latter means situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning.
The word Preliminary means more important.
Preliminary means denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
i asked the same question can we take more or less than 2 tests??
Mera Abusabha
6th hour
Shawn,the word Latter means belonging to a subsequent time or period
Discriminatory means to unfairly treat a certain type of person/group differently from others.
Both tests have different goals which is why we take both and not only one.
Hamzah Alozair
7th hour
You have to take both because they can know your reading,math,science and social studies skills.
Question about text: What is needed for the SATS
Connection: we were told about the SATS in an assembly 2 days ago
New word: preliminary
1.Students are against the ACT and SAT
2.the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores.
3.My reasoning is that students with higher income have better results
Preliminary is an action or event preceding or preparing for something fuller or more important.
I agree with your question because I am also not sure what is needed out of the SAT. Do you need a certain score?
I agree that most students are against the ACT and SAT
These are the critical needed for the SAT: printed admission ticket, acceptable photo ID, Number 2 pencils, a calculator, and an eraser.
1st Hour
Read the article
Answer the questions:
a)What percentage of students with low income, new to the country, or any other factors relevant factors that affect their test scores get to pass the SAT or ACT?
b)This reminds me of when they talked a little bit about how important the SAT is, in the assembly.
c) The word I don’t know is skepticism
Claim: I think the SAT and ACT scores shouldn’t be college requirements.
“SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family’s income, parents’ education and race.” — Page 1, Chancellor Calor and Michael Brown.
“As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students. In fact, she said, the college’s average SAT score rose because those who did well submitted scores while others did not”–Page 2
The evidence showed that students’ SAT and ACT scores are not only reflected on students knowledge, the income and the race of a student are also some big factors that affect the students’ scores and make it harder and more complicated for a student to enter a college. Without SAT and ACT, diversity has greatly rose and quality of students have not been affected at all. In conclusion, both ACT and SAT should be dropped because it doesn’t really show the potential of a student and the scores for both are affected by factors such as income, parents’ education, and race that give an advantage to those who don’t have these factors present.
I agree with you about the SAT and ACT, nice evidence.
skepticism means being skeptical about something.
Skepticism means a skeptical attitude: doubt as to the truth of something.
I can agree with your claim because the way you had explained in your reasoning that the SAT and ACT both don’t have a potential on the student and his scores, made me think back to some of the tests that I have taken that only show the scores and not the growth progress.
Chancellor means a senior state or legal official.
SCT and ACT article #2
How will they test students for college
b)new words
C) connections
When i was taking the nwea i learned nothing from it
d)answer the questions
They will use their grades
The sat is a bad idea
“UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.”-carol t christ
The sat is not good because you should be graded purely on your g.p.a
i agree some of the nwea made no sense, But i don’t think the sat and the act is bad i just thing it needs to be modifiyed
the holistic means:A holistic approach means thinking about the big picture. … In a medical setting, holistic refers to addressing the whole person, including their physical, mental, and emotional health, while taking social factors into consideration.
I really liked how you put detail into your evidence, but why not adding more to your claim and reasoning. Your claim and reasoning and main parts to making other people believe what you have got to say about dropping the SAT and ACT.
Holistic means characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Holistic means characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Sat and Act Article Saqer sharif
Why does the act and sat make us not apply to a college if not reaching the score they want us to reach?
I started to get really worried about the SAT and ACT when I went to University of Michigan and they explained them to us.
D) Answer the question:The sat and the act should be dropped as an academic requirement
-Claim:I believe we should drop the ACT and SAT to apply to colleges.
-Evidence: “When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students.” (pg2)
-Reasoning:My evidence is connected to my claim in the way that the Act and Sat don’t tell you whether that person is qualified to go to college or not .Also, If someone didn’t feel good when he was doing the test and didn’t get to do his best does that mean he is not qualified to apply.
me too when i went to UofM on a feild trip it was scary becasue they made it seme like that test was the difference between a 4 year college and a 2 year college
I love your evidence because this further expands how serious the ACT and SAT is to students and how it can really affect someone. Great Work
Discriminatory means that something can be hurtful or offensive.
SAT and ACT Article
a)Question: What’s the difference between the ACT and SAT?
b)New Words: forum, influential, and burgeoning
c)Connection:I will have to take the SAT when I’m older.
d)Answer the Question:
-Claim: The SAT and ACT should be dropped.
-Evidence:’’… performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.’’
-Reasoning:This evidence shows that the students could easily do better than others if they have the money to afford any tutors. Income should not define someones ability on a test since different students hand more help to prepare for the SAT.
i agree with your evidence the act and sat is strongly infleuenced by your familys income because of the resources you have when you have more money
I wondered about that question to but I found out that Act is shorter but the Sat is longer and more complex.Also I really like the evidence you got because it really connects to your claim.
I agree that the sat and act should be dropped.
The difference between ACT and SAT.IS the SAT scored on a scale of 600 to 2400, with a score of 200 to 800 possible on each of the three sections. The ACT is scored with a composite of one to 36 based on average scores from the four test sections, each of which is also scored from one to 36.
Hadi, Forum means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
The difference between SATs and ACTs is that The SAT is scored on a scale of 600 to 2400, with a score of 200 to 800 possible on each of the three sections. The ACT is scored with a composite of one to 36 based on average scores from the four test sections, each of which is also scored from one to 36.
I agree with your connection that, “I will have to take the SAT when I’m older”, but I’m pretty sure that everyone who will go to college will have to take the SAT. Maybe, you can add more detail to it??
I agree with your reasoning because, a students’ race, or family income, shouldn’t determine if they’re going to get a high SAT/ACT score.
SAT and ACT Article
a)Question: What’s the difference between the ACT and SAT?
b)New Words: forum, influential, and burgeoning
d)Answer the Question:
-Claim: The SAT and ACT should be dropped.
-Evidence:’’… performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.’’
-Reasoning:This evidence shows that the students could easily do better than others if they have the money to afford any tutors. Income should not define someones ability on a test since different students hand more help to prepare for the SAT.
I remember that a couple of days ago in the assembly, they talked about the PSAT,SAT, and the ACT.
Forum is a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged
SAT and ACT Article
a)Question: What or who is the SAT and ACT?
b)New words:Chancellor’s
c)Connection:ACT and SAT include core sections on readings,writing,and math.Both tests includes an optional essay,and neither penalized for wrong answers.
d)Answer the question:
-Claim:ACT and SAT are accepted by all US colleges. SAT and SAT as an admission requirement stances certain to fuel the growing national movement against the tests as an unfair barrier to college entry for understand students.
-Evidence: UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions friday that research had convinced them that performances on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income,parents’ education and race that using them for high-state’s admissions decisions was simply wrong.
Reasons:The data examples what ACT and SAT are which could help in the future for a job or your future business. This will help in colleges and the future. That sums up what ACT and SAT are.
Chancellor means a senior state or legal official.
2) A. Question- Why is it so important that SAT and ACT are dropped from colleges?
B. New Words- equitable, affluent, formulaic
C. Connection- Sister is going to take ACT soon.
D. Answer the question:
Claim: I think that colleges are trying get ACT and SAT dropped as admission requirements.
Evidence: “Brown said he was not opposed to all standardized tests but objected to tests like the SAT and ACT because their results compare students against one another in a way designed to produce high and low scores. He prefers standardized tests that measure students by how much they’ve mastered prescribed academic content.”
Reasoning: My evidence shows an example of one of the many people that do not like specifically the SAT and ACT, because of the fact that they compare students scores and base entry on that, instead of the knowledge of the material.
Equitable means fair and impartial.
equitable means fair and impartial.
Formulaic means constituting or containing a verbal formula or set form of words.
Sat and Act
A.Why did they call it the SAT?
B.I agree with them I think it is not fair.
1)The claim is that it is not fair that some people don’t have good resources to do good on the SAT
2)On page 1 the author states “stances certain to fuel the growing national movement against the tests as an unfair barrier to college entry for underserved students.”
3)My reasoning is that it is not fair because a kid that has good teachers and has resources like computer is doing better than a kid that is living in a poor country with no good computers or stuff to use to learn.
A chancellor is a senior state or legal official
They called it the SAT because it stands for scholastic aptitude test.
Hassan Mrad, Chancellor means a senior state or legal official.
I agree with your reasoning because it’s not fair for other people around the world who are poor can’t afford any computers or other stuff that can help them learn.
Its called the SAT because, there was an agreement with colleges in the late 1800s with what skills and knowledge students needed to be prepared for college.
Chancellor means senior state or legal official .
A.) Why do they want to get rid of the SAT and ACT ?
B.) Why are SAT and ACT important?
D1.) Should we drop the SAT and ACT?
D2.) UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong.
D3.) Why were the ACT and SAT based on the family income, parents’ education and race of people. It’s supposed to be based on the student’s education.
Disproportionately means to an extent that is too large or too small in comparison with something else
Disproportionately is an extent that is too large or too small in comparison with something else.
They want to get rid of the SAT for many reasons such as the income a family receives. I personally would prefer to keep the SAT because its a good test that scales your ability to interpret and solve different problems.
I also don’t know what disproportionately means.
I also wonder why the ACT and ACT are based on family income, parents education and race of people.
a question about the text
B How important is the sat and act?
b) connection
This is like the mstep
C) a word that you do not know
Curriculum is a word
D) Answer the following questions
1 what is claim? The claim is to get kids ready for the sat and act
2 what is one piece of evidence some evidence is that A decision by the two systems to drop the tests would have an outsize influence on the future of standardized testing because they represent a huge share of customers for the nonprofit testing companies.
3 what is the reasoning for that evidence so that is my evidence about getting ready for the sat and act
The Sat and the Act are really important because these days if your really get a high score you can get applied to the best college in america.Also you have a pretty go evidence and claim but you need a little more detail in your reasoning .
The sat and act is like the mstep including the nwea
Curriculum means the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
The SAT determines what college you may r may not get accepted into. And the ACT to show colleges how prepared you are for higher education.
Curriculum is what you are studying.
a) Question: What do they mean by requirement for admission of the SATs?
b) New words: inequities
c) Connection: We were told about the SATs yesterday during an assembly
d) Answer the question: They are asking for the truth behind the SATs
-Claim: They are against the SAT and ACT
-Evidence: The results compare other students to each other
-Reasoning: The test produces high and low scores, making the students compete
I remember when when they talked about the SATs at the assembly.
Inequities means unfair, or unjust.
I agree with your question. I’m also confused about what the article means when they say you need the requirement for the admission of a SAT.
They mean that some colleges have a minimum score that you need to get in the SAT for you to be able to apply for it.
I heard them talking about sat during the assembly
inequalities is the difference in size
The word inequities means fair and unjust.
A Why do we need to do the sat and act?
B. This connects because kids in a poorer area have worser scores on test than the higher income schools
C. Socioeconomic is a word i don’t know
The sat and the act should be dropped as an academic requirement
2.” Research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income.”
3. My resoning for this evidence is that by not having as much money as other people for education means that the higher income familes have an edvantage on the sat and act.
I’m not sure about your question, but I think we need to do the SAT and ACT is so there’s like a test that scales our knowledge.
Socioeconomic means relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.
Why would people with more income/money get better scores on the sat and act then other people with low income?
Socioeconomic- relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.
socieoeconimic means: concerned about the factors of soical and eonominc
We need to take the SAT because we need to get in to a college. Most colleges require you to take the SAT test, so they can see how smart you are.
I really agree with your connection because my cousin used to live in a poor area and there education was not as good as where I live.Also I totally agree with you reasoning because I know for a fact my cousin didn’t like to live in that poor area because he was really smart and really wanted to learn So, he could go to Harvard university.
There are many reasons why we need to take the SAT. One big one would be that the SAT usually gets you into better college if you get a high score on it.
Socioeconomic means relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors
The word socioeconomic means relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.
Nada Hachem
1st hour
A- Why is the SAT and ACT important?
B-I don’t think SAT and ACT are important.
C- forum
1) drop ACT and SAT as an admission requirement
2)”UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ and UC Provost Michael Brown said at a forum on college admissions Friday that research had convinced them that performance on the SAT and ACT was so strongly influenced by family income, parents’ education and race that using them for high-stakes admissions decisions was simply wrong. “ (article)
3) The article states that high school grades are the “ strongest single predictor of student success, research shows”
Forum means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
forum means that a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
WHy is the sat and act so strongly influenced by family income?
They measure what is the level or how much a student knows in areas like reading and math. Depending on your score, you’ll be able to be accepted in better colleges.
I agree why are they important
Forum means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
A.) Why did they decide to research this topic?
C.)The text reminds me of the PSAT tests we will be taking this
1.) SAT and ACT shouldn’t be a college requirement
2.) Some of the UC system’s 26 voting regents have expressed deep skepticism or outright opposition to the continued use of the SAT and ACT, including Chairman John A. Pérez, Vice Chairwoman Cecilia Estolano and Regent Eloy Ortiz Oakley.
3.)A lot of people with vast knowledge and experience in this field agree with the writer.
When you gave the evidence to why did they decide to research this topic, it was very interting.
a chancellor is a legal official
Chancellor means a senior state or legal official.
It also reminds me that we are taking the PSAT
Chancellor means a senior state or legal official.
Chancellor means a senior state or legal official.
Why shouldn’t sat and act be a college requirement
Joaquin Franco
1st hour
A.What is the ACT?
B.My cousin is taking the SAT’s soon.
C.A word I do not know is ACT.
1)The claim: We should drop the Sat or stop using it as a deciding factor into colleges.
2)My evidence: “When Christ became president of Smith College in 2002, she eliminated the SAT requirement. As a result, she said, the applicant pool grew both in size and diversity with no decline in quality of students.” pg.2
3)My reasoning: My evidence connects to my claim by showing that the SAT doesn’t determine the quality of a student and the SAT is sometimes inaccurate which will hurt students
I think the ACT is one of the tests.
A.C.T:american college testing
ACT stands for American College Testing.
My cousin is also taking the SAT soon
ACT is an “american college test”