Good afternoon families~
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
All assignments have been graded and submitted into MiStar. Report cards will be posted on MiStar and sent home later this month! Please remember that the district provided this grading system for the 4th card marking:
- Meeting: regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
- Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded
- High participation
- Progressing: Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
- Limited Participation: little or no participation due to circumstances shared with teacher
I will not be able to have a class meeting tomorrow being that I will be at Long closing out my classroom. I will hold a live session on Wednesday to reflect on the year, and answer any last minute questions. I have provided a breakdown of different online learning sites below, most of which we have been using. I highly encourage the students to continue learning throughout the summer.
Again, I can’t thank you enough for all of the support you gave to your child during this unprecedented time. I know it wasn’t easy or ideal. I just pray that things go back to normal in the fall! Positive thinking!
Have a safe and Blessed summer break!
Mrs. Ankouny
Summer Review and enrichment:
- is a great site for students to watch a video of every lesson and check HW answers. Start at Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 13. They can also complete the math problems in their Learn/Succeed Practice books.
- Greatminds – Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 13
- Zearn – Online lessons aligned to Eureka Math: Students have a username/password.
Reading/Language Arts:
- 30 minutes of reading daily/Write about the books you read in your journal.
- Writing/Grammar~ Noredink Click on the “Learn” tab to have access.
- Readworks– Provides K-12 teachers with a large, high-quality library of curated nonfiction and literary articles, along with reading comprehension and vocabulary supports, formative assessments.
- Storyline Online– Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
- MobyMax- Access through Clever
- NewsELA- need a free account- standards-aligned reading activities
- Epic
Science/Social Studies:
- Mystery Science – Mystery Science features multimedia science units for K-5. Each lesson consists of a series of short videos and prompts guide student discussion. This is followed by an experiment that can be done at home.
- Studies Weekly Articles and tests.