Welcome to 4th Grade!

I am very excited to be your 4th grade teacher this year. I am looking forward to meeting you this coming week! Please click on Sign Up Genius to choose a time slot. We can meet in person outside the school with masks or virtually via Zoom. You will need your student’s chromebook and backpack for all supplies (math and reading materials) if you choose to meet at school. This coming week we will meet every morning through My Class Zoom  M-Th at 8:55AM. The meeting will include: 

  • Roll Call:  Get to know your students, their names or nicknames, and take attendance.  
  • Norms:  Establish norms for classroom virtual meetings.
  • “Getting to Know You” activities

See you soon!

Mrs. Ankouny

Last Week 6/8/20!

Good afternoon families~

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

All assignments have been graded and submitted into MiStar. Report cards will be posted on MiStar and sent home later this month! Please remember that the district provided this grading system for the 4th card marking: 

  • Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
    • Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded
    • High participation
  • Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
  • Limited Participation:  little or no participation due to circumstances shared with teacher

I will not be able to have a class meeting tomorrow being that I will be at Long closing out my classroom. I will hold a live session on Wednesday to reflect on the year, and answer any last minute questions. I have provided a breakdown of different online learning sites below, most of which we have been using. I highly encourage the students to continue learning throughout the summer.

Again, I can’t thank you enough for all of the support you gave to your child during this unprecedented time. I know it wasn’t easy or ideal. I just pray that things go back to normal in the fall! Positive thinking! 

Have a safe and Blessed summer break!

Mrs. Ankouny

Summer Review and enrichment:


  •  embarc.online is a great site for students to watch a video of every lesson and check HW answers. Start at Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 13. They can also complete the math problems in their Learn/Succeed Practice books.
  • Greatminds – Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 13
  • Zearn – Online lessons aligned to Eureka Math: Students have a username/password. 

Reading/Language Arts:

  • 30 minutes of reading daily/Write about the books you read in your journal.
  • Writing/Grammar~ Noredink Click on the “Learn” tab to have access.
  • Readworks–  Provides K-12 teachers with a large, high-quality library of curated nonfiction and literary articles, along with reading comprehension and vocabulary supports, formative assessments.
  • Storyline Online– Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.  
  • MobyMax- Access through Clever
  • NewsELA- need a free account- standards-aligned reading activities
  • Epic 

Science/Social Studies:

  • Mystery Science – Mystery Science features multimedia science units for K-5. Each lesson consists of a series of short videos and prompts guide student discussion. This is followed by an experiment that can be done at home.
  • Studies Weekly Articles and tests.

The Last Two Weeks & Summer Break! 6/1-6/11

Happy Sunday!!! I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the outside and warm weather this past week. I know my family has; lots of walks for us!!! The purpose of this message is to provide you with information regarding the end of the school year and remaining assignments.

Outstanding Assignments/Missing Work~ I will open up all previous assignments for students to go back and complete/redo.

  • NoRedInk– Writing
  • Journal Writing on Google classroom
  • Math-Problem sets/Exit Tickets on Google Classroom/Zearn
  • Reading- All previous Readworks assignments
  • Studies Weekly– Previously assigned Science weeks 1-9 and S.S. Weeks 19-23 Articles and tests ONLY!

Please review Google Classroom with your child so they know what assignments they still have missing. 

For the students who have completed all their work, they may continue completing the rest of the assignments for Summer Review and enrichment/Not Graded:


  •  embarc.online is a great site for students to watch a video of every lesson and check HW answers. Start at Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 13. They can also complete the math problems in their Learn/Succeed Practice books.
  • Greatminds – Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 13
  • Zearn – Online lessons aligned to Eureka Math: Students have a username/password. 

Reading/Language Arts:

  • 30 minutes of reading daily/Write about the books you read in your journal on Google Classroom.
  • Writing/Grammar~ Noredink Click on the “Learn” tab to have access.
  • Readworks–  Provides K-12 teachers with a large, high-quality library of curated nonfiction and literary articles, along with reading comprehension and vocabulary supports, formative assessments.
  • Storyline Online– The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.  
  • MobyMax- Access through Clever
  • NewsELA- need a free account- standards-aligned reading activities
  • Epic 

Science/Social Studies:

  • Mystery Science – Mystery Science features multimedia science units for K-5. Each lesson consists of a series of short videos and prompts guide student discussion. This is followed by an experiment that can be done at home.
  • Studies Weekly Articles and tests.

Assignment Completion

Please remember that according to our Continuity of Learning Plan, students should be completing assigned work and submitting it to their teacher. Teachers will be completing grades based on participation in learning activities and accuracy of responses.

Elementary Assessment and Grading Guidelines 

For this marking period, students will receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of comments. 

  • Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
    • Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded
    • High participation
  • Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
  • Limited Participation:  little or no participation due to circumstances shared with teacher

As Always, thanks for your support during these very uneasy times. I appreciate the effort that the students have put forth. It is not ideal, but we are making the best out of a terrible situation. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any issues these last two weeks.


Mrs. Ankouny

10th Week 5/25-5/29

Good afternoon families~

Happy Memorial Day! In honor of all the veterans, as well as the active service members. Thank you for all you do!

I hope everyone is enjoying this much needed long weekend.

This week will look a bit different, being that it is only 4 days. I will post new Reading and Math assignments and the students will go ahead and complete the writing and Studies Weekly tests from last week.

Class meeting this week: Wednesday at 1pm.

Attached is the week at a glance.

As always please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great day!

Mrs. Ankouny

9th Week 5/18-5/21

Good Evening!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the weekend! This upcoming week and the next are going to be 4 day school weeks, due to Memorial Day weekend. Therefore, the Reading and Math assignments are due Thursday 5/21 by 6PM. However, the writing and the Studies Weekly assignments are extended for a two week period. The Studies Weekly tests will be posted the week of the 25th. 

Some students have missed assignments that I can’t give them a grade on, so please remember to make sure all their work is completed for the week prior to Thursday 6PM, double check the comments and REDOS.

We will have a Classroom Meeting using iLearn tomorrow and Wednesday at 1pm.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me. We are all in this together and all feeling a little overwhelmed. If there is anything you need from me, please just ask. 

Food Distribution schedule change for the following two weeks due to Memorial Day


Monday 5/18 & Wednesday 5/20 10AM-12PM

Wednesday 5/27 & Friday 5/29 10AM-12PM


When you pick up food on May 20th, you will receive 7 food bags to last you until the next pick up on May 27th.

8th Week of Remote Learning 5/11-5/15

Happy Mother’s Day 2020!
Sending hopes of many Blessings to you and your families.

In order to be successful at completing your work correctly and on time, please make sure to closely follow the attached M-F Lesson plan schedule and submit all your work by Friday at 6PM. Click on Classwork to read the instructions and begin your work.

We will have a Classroom Meeting using iLearn Monday and Wednesday at 1pm.

Thank you for your support and have a great week!

7th Week of Remote Learning

Happy Monday and sunny weather!!! I can not believe that we are already into May, and just finished our 6th week away from Long school. I am starting to forget what life was like before all of this happened. It has been wonderful seeing and hearing from all of you these past weeks, but that does not make up for the lost time. 

In order to be successful at completing your work correctly and on time, please make sure to closely follow the attached M-F Lesson plan schedule. For this week’s assignments click here.

We will have a Classroom Meeting using iLearn today and Wednesday at 1pm.

Here are the directions that you need to do on your end:

1.Go to https://dearbornschools.org/

2.click on Student Portal

3.choose iLearn Classrooms

4.type in your school username and password

5.Click on Mrs. Ankouny’s Class. You will then click on the Big Blue Button below Class Meeting and join the session at 1PM.

Stay Healthy! Stay Safe!

6th Week of Remote Learning!

Week 4/27-5/1
Welcome back to our 6th Week of Remote Learning! I am so proud of all your hard work and effort into completing your weekly tasks. All this hard work will help you be more successful in 5th grade.

Here are this week’s lessons and assignments Mrs. Ankouny’s Weekly Remote Learning Assignments which is in Google Classroom, make sure to read all the information posted on the Stream page first. Then click on the CLASSWORK tab to see and complete all of this week’s assignments. REMEMBER ALL WORK SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY AT 6PM FOR IT TO BE GRADED.

We will have a Classroom Meeting using iLearn Wednesday at 1pm. There has been some technical issues with it, but we are going to give it a shot.
Here are the directions that you need to do on your end:
1.Go to https://dearbornschools.org/
2.click on Student Portal
3.choose iLearn Classrooms
4.type in your school username and password
5.Click on Mrs. Ankouny’s Class. You will then click on the Big Blue Button below Class Meeting and join the session at 1PM.

Have A Great Week of Learning!


Posted on 4/19/20 by Rania Ankouny~


Hope that everyone had a restful weekend. Here we are on our 5th Week of Remote Learning, it sure went by quick! In order to consolidate all the students’ assignments, I decided to upload all the weekly lessons and assignments into one folder Mrs. Ankouny’s Weekly Remote Learning Assignments which is in Google Classroom (All the students are already enrolled in this folder). Once you open the folder make sure to click on the Classwork tab and carefully read the instructions for each assignment then view and complete and submit all the work due by 4/24/20.

Please click on this link Studies Weekly  (Science/Social Studies) to have your child add their username and password that I just sent them on Dojo.

We will plan on having 2 Google Meets this week (M & F) at 1PM. Due to technical issues with Dojo, the link will now be right on Google Classroom. At 1:00 today, you will click right on that link or the Meet icon in Classwork. No more waiting for me to send you a code! This should streamline things for us all.

As always, message me if you have any questions. 

Cheers to another Great week of learning!

Office Hours for the remainder of the school year:

I will be available by email ankounr@dearbornschools.org or Dojo Monday-Friday: 10:00AM-3:00PM

Messages received after 3:30PM will be answered within 24 hours unless it is the weekend.

From the Gym Teacher: Mr. Bryan Tapp

My goal this week is to try is to visit 3-4 classrooms a week for around 5 minutes to say hello and make sure our students are working on the posted fitness lessons for the week and answer any questions regarding the work. I have 18 classes so it may be a few weeks before I get a chance to visit. Please push for your students to visit my blog to get all of the important information regarding physical education for the remainder of the school year. Greatly appreciated.

Remember to look at the special area teachers to see what they have posted for your students, as well.

Mr. Tapp’s Blog

Mr. Walters’ Blog

Mrs. Stetz’s Blog

Ms. Dudek’s Blog

District Learning Plan for the Rest of the Year.

Take a moment to review Dr. Maleyko’s blog post regarding our Continuity of Learning Plan. You can view it here, along with other related documents.