Final Post this year, please read about this week /have a great summer!!
Make up week/no activity journal due this week (only credit recovery make up journals). Please ask your parents if they would take this survey, we would really appreciate your parent/parents taking time out of their busy day! All regular Activity Journals and credit recovery journals will be entered into Mi-Star asap. If you have completed all activity journals you will get a letter grade, if you are missing 1 or more weeks of activity journals you will have C/C- instead of failing . Students have until Thursday June 11th to E-mail me any make up activity journals for any weeks with a score of 30-35 or less (possibly no score at all) in Mi-Star. If you complete all of the missing weeks you will earn a letter grade of an A. If you have an A that means you are all caught up, and don’t have any more journals to submit. There is no assignment due the week of June 8th, we are using this week ahead to allow students to make-up any journals that have not been completed. Thank You for being great students during this remote learning experience, and stay active this summer! Congrats to all of our 8th grade graduating class, good luck with your first year of high school, and have a great summer!!!
Smith Parent Survey
Please take this survey, we really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day!! Have a great summer!
Salina Parents Please take this survey.Thank You!
Wyka Activity Journal June 1st-June 5th.
Thank You for the e-mail, I am entering credit for Activity Journals within 24 hrs.If Check your grade, if you have 40/50 points for each week, you have been sending me your journals and congratulations on doing a great job.You should have points (50 pts per week) for 6 weeks of Activity Journals through (5-29) . This information below is more for students who have not been sending the Activity Journals , there are directions on how to recover the points you are missing (credit recovery).
1.Create exercise journal and email it to me this week. | 1.Add to exercise journal.2.Review updated link in blog. | 1.Add to exercise journal.2.Review updated link in blog. | 1.Add to exercise journal.2.Review updated link in blog. | 1.Add to exercise journal;email it to me. Play “48” |
(This is the information you send me for activity journals-went swimming in my pool 30 minutes, what exercise or activity you did for each week, example-rode my bike 3 days 30 minutes each day, went for a walk with friends-20 minutes…etc) If you have a low percentage for weekly points you should send me an Activity Journal for each week missed. Thank you for getting caught up and hope you are healthy, and your family is well!!

Mass E-mail Issues
Currently we are having issues sending out the weekly email reminder of weekly assignments. We are working diligently to resolve issue!! All weekly assignments are posted on my I -blog, continue to access the i-blog site until we can resolve the mass email issue!! Thank You for being patient!
6 weeks of Activity Journals by 5-29 completed
Thank You for the e-mail, I am entering credit for Activity Journals within 24 hrs.If Check your grade, if you have 40/50 points for each week, you have been sending me your journals and congratulations on doing a great job.You should have points (50 pts per week) for 6 weeks of Activity Journals by end of this week (5-29) .Tell your parents I said you are a great student, and summer is almost here! This information below is more for students who have not been sending the Activity Journals , there are directions on how to recover the points you are missing (credit recovery).
1.Create exercise journal and email it to me on Friday2.Check in (say “hi”). | 1.Add to exercise journal.2.Review updated link in blog. | 1.Add to exercise journal.2.Review updated link in blog. | 1.Add to exercise journal.2.Review updated link in blog. | 1.Add to exercise journal;email it to me.2.Review updated link in blog. |
(This is the information you send me for activity journals-went swimming in my pool 30 minutes, what exercise or activity you did for each week, example-rode my bike 3 days 30 minutes each day, went for a walk with friends-20 minutes…etc) If you have a low percentage for weekly points you should send me an Activity Journal for each week missed. Thank you for getting caught up and hope you are healthy, and your family is well!!

Salina Intermediate 4th/5th Grade
P.E. assignments for week of 5-18 / 5-22 please share with all 4th/5th grade students

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, miss you all!! Summer is right around the corner, I bet all of you are really ready for summer!! Continue to use the elementary activity link, stay active/be safe….Love you all!!! 1.Click on the link 2. Scroll down to the right date 3. Play along /get active with fitness videos!!This is so easy!!Salina students click on this link below, scroll down on the page to find May 11th / May 15th. Use this website for fitness activities and videos at least 3 days a week. Send me an e-mail every week sharing with me what fitness and health activities you completed. Miss you all, send an email and say hi!!!
Wyka P.E. 5-26-5-29
Summer is right around the corner, continue to email me with activity Journals weekly, Thank You for staying in contact and completing the weekly assignment!!
Links- email/ I blog / Middle School Physical Education Website ( student resource, access daily)
Check your Grades on Mi-Star, if you are missing any weeks of activity points please send me a short email!!
Assignment for this week 5-26/5-29.
One Assignments for the 50 points available this week, email me your Fitness Journal, check in with me!! That is all, have a great week!!
Email me Tuesday if you did not send Activity journals, check your grade on MI Star for missing assignments/earning credit. Continue to use the Middle Physical Education link on my I blog, you must contact me by email every week stay safe and keep moving…write/type out all activity minutes, email me total minutes with fitness activities every week. Have a great week, Friday is play “48”.Hope you has a great holiday weekend!!
When you email activity journals on Fridays , I will post your points in Mi-Star, check your grade on Sunday to verify I entered your points for previous week, send one week of activity journals if you do not have weekly points earned (make-up credit recovery).
Smith Assignments 5-18 / 5-22
Hope everyone is staying fit/healthy!!
Links- email/ I blog / Middle School Physical Education Website ( student resource, access daily)
Check your Grades on Mi-Star, if you are failing email me immediately for credit recovery assignments for passing credit !
Assignment for this week 5-18/5-22.
One Assignments for the 50 points available this week, email me your Fitness Journal, check in with me!! That is all, have a great week!!
Email me Monday if you did not send Activity journals, check your grade on MI Star for missing assignments/earning passing credit. We are replacing Big Blue button with a P.E. related question that needs to be answered every week. Continue to use the Middle Physical Education link on my I blog, you must contact me by email every week Stay safe and keep moving…write/type out all activity minutes, email me total minutes with fitness activities every week. Have a great week, Friday is play “48”.
When you email activity journals on Fridays , I will post your points in Mi-Star, check your grade on Sunday to verify I entered your points for previous week, send one week of activity journals if you do not have weekly points earned (make-up credit recovery).