A Few Reminders


We have now completed our first week of the updated learning plan. Many children are attending regularly and keeping up with work. Now that we have entered the season of Ramadan it is important for families to set a schedule for learning in the afternoon. Teachers are available until approximately 4:00 PM so it is important that students try to complete work in the afternoon so they can connect with the teacher for any needed help.


Instruction is delivered through iLearn or google classroom using technology or learning packets.  New learning and review of previous learning is facilitated through the use of Reading Eggs, Exact Path, Zearn, Google Classroom, teacher created lessons, and other online materials. Students without access to technology were loaned a chromebook. Students with no access to the internet will communicate with their teacher and receive feedback on packets and assignments. Instructional time will be a balance of interactive lessons and independent activities.

Attendance and Participation

Parents should be checking Class Dojo EVERYDAY. It is very important that parents/guardians and teachers continue to communicate so teachers are fully aware of the student’s well being and progress.  Students and parents are expected to contact teachers if there are questions about instructional content. Students are expected to attend all google hangout sessions and demonstrate active engagement in the work assigned by the teachers. Completion of assignments and participation in hangouts are used as evidence of attendance.  The continuation of learning continues until June 11th, 2020.

Assessment and Grading Guidelines 

Individual teachers will be responsible for assessing student progress and providing feedback.  Assignments will be graded.  Work completed before April 20th that demonstrates a student’s mastery of learning will count toward his/her grade.

Elementary Assessment and Grading Guidelines 

For this marking period, students will receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments. 

  • 2- Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
    • Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded
    • High participation
  • 3- Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
  • 4- Limited Participation:  little or no participation due to circumstances shared with teacher

Please contact your teacher or building principal if you have any questions about this grading procedure or need further information.

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