Parent Survey

Parents! Please take the following survey on school re-opening…


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Locker Item Pick Up Information:TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd  (This will be the ONLY pick up day)

Please follow the below directions for the safety of teachers, students, and parents

1.     On the day of pick up, NO students or parents will be allowed in the building. Do NOT get out of your car.

2.     Cars must ENTER through the Warren gate and pull up to door #20 so that your car faces Ann Arbor Trail.

3.     Please tell the teacher on the sidewalk the student you are picking up for.

4.     Have your trunk open, so that teachers have no contact as we deliver your belongings.

5.     Students will return instruments and library books (AKA Ms. Fryzel’s books) that day.

6.     6th and 7th graders can keep instruments over the summer.


10:00 -11:00           6th Graders

11:00 – 12:00          7th Graders

12:00 – 1:00           8th Graders

1:00 – 1:30             Last Chance

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Please continue to check Google Classroom for ALL assignments including summative ones. Email me if you have questions.

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 5/15


Well, it is “Go Time.” I have created a Google Classroom for each of the subjects, sent out a “how to” email to you and your parents, and posted your first assignments to be completed by Friday afternoon. These assignments and task are required for credit. If you do them and pass the summative assessment, you pass – you don’t and you don’t. Stay up with your schoolwork and you won’t become overwhelmed. As always, I am an email away…

Stay healthy!!!

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 4/20


STEM – Create an Acrostic Poem for Manifest Destiny, using each letter to begin a word or short phrase describing the concept of Manifest Destiny. Decorate your poem and send a picture of it to me by the end of the week. A template is on your iLearn page (remote learning). Thanks!

GOVERNMENT – Read the US vs O’Brien court case on iLearn. Answer the question posed at the end of the case following the CER model via Google doc. Share the doc with me by the end of the week. Thanks!

HS American History – Go to iLearn and read the Four Freedoms speech (remote learning #3). In a Google or Word DOC, re-type and answer the seven questions – “Four Freedoms questions.” Share the document with me by the end of the week. The whole chapter 35 text is in iLearn topic 10 if needed. Thanks!

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 4/1


STEM – Go to iLearn and open PSAT Practice answers and check your work. All done! See you on Monday…

GOVERNMENT – Using the CER model of paragraph writing (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning), answer the question posed in the beginning of Supreme Court Case 1 (Remote Learning Government #2)… “Does a city that uses the power of eminent domain to take property away from its owners for use in a private development violate the Fifth Amendment?

Answer in a Google doc and share with me by the end of Monday 3/30.

HS AMERICAN HISTORY – READ REMOTE LEARNING #2 Ch. 35 Introduction on iLearn… In two paragraphs, explain how (1) actions taken by the American people and government are the same as those taken at the beginning of WWII and how (2) actions taken by the American people and government are different from those taken at the beginning of WWII.

Write this in a google doc and share with me by the end of the day, Monday 30th.

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 3/26


STEM – Go to iLearn/STEM/Remote Learning/RemoteLearning #2 and print/read/annotate the selection – “Nelson Mandela.” Answer the accompanying questions, but do not share them right now. We will go over Carnegie and Mandela PSAT questions later this week.

Government – Go to iLearn and read Government Remote Learning #2. Read the court case and be prepared to write a justification later this week.

American History – Go to HS American History/Remote Learning AmHistory #2. Read the introduction to Ch. 35 and be prepared to compare WWII on the home front and what is currently happening in the world, our country, and our state.

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 3/23


STEM – Your first assignment is here and it is a PSAT practice doosey! Go to iLearn/STEM/Remote Learning/RemoteLearning #1 and print/read/annotate the selection – “Andrew Carnegie.” Answer the accompanying questions, but do not share them right now. I will ask for them on Monday… Stay Healthy!

GOVERNMENT – Your first assignment is here and it is a doosey, too! Go to iLearn/HS Government/Remote Learning/RemoteLearning #1 and print/read/annotate the selection. Check back on Monday for a written response assignment. Stay Healthy!

HS American History – I haven’t forgot about you! Your first assignment is here and it is a historical doosey! Go to iLearn/HS American History/Remote Learning/RemoteLearning #1 and print/read/annotate the selection. Check back on Monday for a written response assignment. Stay Healthy!

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 3/18



Your 1st assignment is to read this…

Then, email me this message to show that all is working and to become eligible to win points and prizes…

“The crow flies in square circles.”

Categories: Class News | Comments Off on 3/17

Welcome Students!

This is where I will post all of your assignments and their respective directions. The actual materials, worksheets, questions, text, etc. can be found on the iLearn page for your class.

This may seem a bit vague right now, but will make sense once I begin posting at the end of the week. You are expected to complete all assignments by the due dates that will be provided. I will let you know how to publish your work in order to receive credit.

Please be patient. There will be a learning curve for the both of us. I am just an email away…


Mr. V.


Click on Resources above for classroom and testing resources.

Click on Class Info above for classroom expectations and explanations.

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