Requirement: Google Classrooms for Art & Virtual Meetings

Students need join and use the individual google classrooms I have created to accommodate all the classes I teach; if they have not done so already.

Students have been invited and now need to “join”. Codes are listed below by grade level and teacher.

Students will be receiving new assignments and information regarding their art class though google classroom. They will be required to submit their work through google classroom or by email in order to receive a grade and credit in their report card.

*Virtual Meetings are scheduled once a week through iLearn (enrollment codes are in google classroom): Tuesday: 4th grade @1:30 / Wednesday: 5th grade @1:00 / Thursday: Kdg/1st/2nd @ 11:00am / Friday: 3rd grade @ 1:30

(Kdg. & 1st. Grade) Classroom Teacher : Art Google classroom code
(Kibilko: xxy2rbb) (Root : owy7f5y) (Wentland : 5geictp) (Haddad /Fefopoulos : vqojwzh) (Alawy : fv5g2jt)

(2nd. Grade) Classroom Teacher : Art Google classroom code
(Nasrallah : ikr54dq) (Mokdad : hjgkgmh) (Makled : mmv66ng) (Ramouni : agya5vn)

(3rd. Grade) Classroom Teacher : Art Google classroom code
(Wang : cflpnjd) (Hankard : juwg3e3) (Dillon : xsikpgz) (Zahr : t7ix63c) (Clemente : quytzkm)

(4th. Grade) Classroom Teacher : Art Google classroom code
(Berro: seiatyl) (Ankouni: 2bfpio3) (Elbaf: jxlfmli) (Beydoun: p7stbih) (HajjHassn: ft6oete)

(5th. Grade) Classroom Teacher : Art Google classroom code
(VanAllen : 2covref) (Noureddine: ilqz5bt) (Rida: mdlgvn3) (Sobh: zgh2vcr) (Hedke /Kronk: gjyj4ti)

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