Early Math Skills

In school we are working on sorting objects by color, shape, and size! 

Ways to work on sorting at home:

  • Put away silverware
  • Sort laundry by type – shirts, socks, pants
  • Sort legos by color
  • Sort colored cereal or goldfish crackers
  • Sort coins by type
  • Sort playing cards by color, suit, or number

    *you know your child best – pick the activity that is most appropriate for them*

Fun times with my friends today!!!

Today’s Google Hangout was so much fun! Thank you everyone who joined! I called my mom right after and burst into tears- as wonderful as it is to see everyone virtually, it breaks my heart because I can’t be with the kids in person. I think about them all all day everyday and I miss them so much. I attached some fun pictures that I snapped today below! Love you, friends!

We will do another Google Hangouts video chat next Friday, April 24 at 3 PM. I can’t wait to see you all!!!

Here is the link for the hangout:

Also, here is a link to download the ‘Google Meet Grid View’ extension for your Chrome browser. It will allow you to see all of the participants in the group instead of just the speaker.

Iman and I played Peek-A-Boo! 🙂

I told Duaa that Mohamed asked where she was and she pointed to herself and said, “Me! Duaa!” I found her for you, Mohamed! LOL!

Sign Language

At school we work on basic sign language to encourage our students to start using their voice.  Watch the YouTube videos below to learn how to sign letters and colors. Encourage your child to sign and sing along!

(This one goes pretty fast but the kids love to watch it at school – and so do I! <3)

***Edited to add: Sorry this is posted so late! I forgot to hit post.***

Screen Time and Chores

Hi families,
I just wanted to remind you how important it is to make sure that your child’s screen time is limited. Below is a chart that gives an idea of how your child can earn screen time. I have also included a list of chores. It is important that your child is working on life skills.

Today’s Assignment

Hi boys and girls!!! Can you believe that it is snowing!? I can’t! I hope that you are all doing well! Today I want you to work on your fine motor skills.

Here are some examples of fine motor activities:

  • play with play-doh
  • getting dressed or wearing clothes with buttons and zips that need doing up 
  • using clothes pegs 
  • coloring in or painting between lines 
  • stacking small cups
  • using scissors 
  • tearing paper 
  • using tweezers or tongs to pick up objects 
  • picking up marbles 
  • using stickers
  • folding paper
  • stacking buttons
  • pulling objects off sticky paper 
  • bending pipe cleaners or making wire sculptures
  • using stamps on paper or Play-Do
  • painting with cotton pads
  • using hole punches
  • stretching rubber or loom bands 
  • Playing with Legos