Monthly Archives: May 2022

May, June and SUMMER Oh My!

How have we gotten here already?? The countdown to the end of our year together is quickly approaching!

I hope everyone enjoyed the trip to Greenfield Village! I saw so many smiling faces and excited kiddos! I felt it was a successful trip and it was so nice to spend the day outside, enjoying the village and all it has to offer. All of the pics that I took or were sent to me are loaded on the photo site. Check them out here:

Next week: ONLY PreK students have NO SCHOOL on Monday + Tuesday due to the PreK teachers being at registration for our incoming children for next year. We will see everyone back at school on Wednesday!

May 27- May 30 is a break for all Dearborn Public Schools students due to the Memorial Day holiday

Thursday June 2 Bikes + Kites day! On this day, children will bring their bikes to school! We will spend the morning riding our bikes on the track, we will also have kites to fly in the field! Parents are welcome to attend this event, but are not required to. More information will come out closer to the day!

June 6 + 7 PreK classes will get to eat lunch in the cafeteria like the big kids! This is always a fun experience for them, and will help them to navigate the lunch process when they get to Y5 or Kindergarten.

June 8+9 will be our last parent/teacher meetings! Normally these would be conducted in your homes, but due to continued safety protocols we will meet in our classroom to discuss end of year progress, go over ideas for summer, and making the move from Prek into Y5 or Kindergarten.

Wednesday June 8th

9:00-9:45Emma Rida
9:50-10:35Aya Dargan
10:40-11:25Malik Samad
11:25-12:05Sirine Harb
12:45-1:30Hussein Faraj
1:35-2:15Athena Larson

Ryan Kulaib

Dena + Lena Alamari

Thursday June 9th

TimeStudent Name
9:00-9:45Mansoor Maisari
9:50-10:35Mohammed Alrukami
10:40-11:25Musa Aljahmi
11:25-12:05Jouri Haydar
12:45-1:30Eleen Alashaar
1:35-2:15Abdullah Kunan
2:15-3:00Mohammad Alsayyad

June 16th is our LAST DAY and will be a 1/2 day of school for PreK. Parents will be invited to attend a small celebration on this day. More information will come out as we get closer to the date.

Reminder: Students should only be wearing tennis shoes to school. Sandals/flip flops fall off of feet, cause trips and falls, get woodchips stuck in them, etc. If a morning is cool, please make sure your child has a short sleeve layer underneath in case they get too warm. I want everyone to come to PreK ready to PLAY + learn!

As always please reach out to either of us with any questions or concerns. We love connecting with families!