Oakman Roar Announcements:
Math: Today Group B will take Module 6 assessment.
AT MATERIAL PICK UP ON TUESDAY– I passed out LEVELED books for each group as well as a retell rope and a reading log– PLEASE READ 10-15 minutes EACH DAY and record on your log — BONUS, you can do the writing activity on the last page in your WRITING BOOK.
****This bag will leveled books and papers— log and retell rope— will need to come TO SSCHOOL on your A/B day so we can read together and I can check reading logs— thank you!!!
REMEMBER!!!! You should also be spending 10-15 minutes EACH DAY on CLEVER online resources, reading eggs (10 min.) and Rainbow “e” MATH PATH (10 min.) and READING PATH (10 min.) ****If your path are not working (students who started the year late did not have paths assigned)**** Please go on the abcya.com site and choose games for letters (reading) and Numbers (math) for about 30 minutes each day. Thank you!
NEW Reading high frequency word cards for this week ***ADD to your star bag: WE WILL HAVE A SIGHT WORD ASSESSMENT NEXT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JUNE 10 AND 11. PRACTICE AT HOME!!!
Please practice at home and make sure to bring in these cards to school
each day you come!!! THANK YOU!!
New Spelling Words test Monday, June 10 and Tuesday, June 11, 2021
Make sure you have your spelling homework done. Rainbow words, vowels red and consonants blue, building words. and fun sentences.
In class we will focus on the booklet pages and spelling/phonics work in addition to writing in your blue notebooks.
**Please make sure your backpack is packed and ready for in person learning- below are the supplies you will need:
Picture below are the supplies you will need for school:
***Make sure you bring your NEW math book— only need the blue one for school.
***Make sure you bring your NEW Benchmark booklet (Unit 7)!!!
***Make sure you bring your NEW leveled books and reading log, and retelling rope papers— keep together in large Zip Lock Bag.
***Make sure to bring your white board and DRY ERASE MARKER— please get new if you need over the weekend– thank you!
PLEASE make sure you have a pencil box or bag to keep crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, dry ease marker, easers, and cubes!!
PLEASE make sure you have a pencil box or bag to keep crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, dry ease marker, easers, and cubes!!
LIVE ZOOM Specials for group A:
Music 10:45 to 11:30 am LIVE ZOOM
Today you have LIVE Music 10:45-11:30 !!
Please go to courses and click Music. Please watch videos and do any assignments listed for Music.
Go to your COURSES in schoology and find MUSIC as shown:
Email the MUSIC teacher if you have any questions about Music.
Group B- when you get home, here is your homework:
- Spelling Rainbow Words, vowels and consonants, building words, and fun sentences please do this in your SPELLING NOTEBOOK– remember to say the letters and words as you write! Spelling Test is Thursday, June 10.
- Benchmark ONLINE assignment— choose an assignment to complete and/or packet pages (DUE Friday, June 11.)
- NO MATH ASSIGNMENT— make sure ALL math videos are done and submitted on Schoology extended due date Wednesday, June 9th)
- Zoom on Wednesday, June 9, at 8:30 am.
As always, please email me at: fowlers@dearbornschools.org f you have any questions! I will get back to you as quickly as possible (within 24 hours, usually faster but it is trickier with in person instruction). Thanks for you understanding, cooperation, and support!!!!!
Mrs. Fowler