Hello everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing, refreshing, and rejuvenating Labor Day weekend!
Here are some general announcements to start off your week:
-Today is an A Day
-This week we begin our Synchronous “We Do” Work and Zoom meetings. I will send out the Zoom meeting link through email for this week. You can also find the Zoom meeting link on our class’s Schoology page. After this week you will have to access the Zoom link through our Schoology page.
-The September “A Day” and “B Day” schedule has been posted to our Schoology page in the “Classroom Resources” folder. I have also added the times for A Days and B Days
-Make sure you are logged into Zoom with your Woodworth username and password.
-For your afternoon, asynchronous, “I Do” assignments, make sure you are completing the correct work at the correct time. This is how we will take attendance.
Have a great, exciting, and optimistic week!
-Mr. Mustonen